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Older Servers Missing Castle Buffs After March 12 Update

Older Servers Missing Castle Buffs After March 12 Update

Bugs & Support
Article Publish : 03/14/2025 09:23

There was a recent update on 3/12/25 in part that implemented a new procedure for obtaining castle buffs on newer servants, that requirement being that Wildling troops must be defeated before the groups can obtain the castle buffs.

Well, it looks like that feature is affecting MOST of the servers because many of us, myself included, have lost 30% of our troop type attack (20% from a main great city and 10% from the smaller ones) as well as 15% total attack, health and defense.

In general world chat, many others reported the same thing on their servers which are far older. Some are reporting no change at all. This means that going into upcoming events (Siege of Winterfell, etc....), some groups will be at full strenght while others are deprived of 30% troop type attack and 15% total attack, health and defense even though they already own the castles for which those buffs should be atrributed.

Dragon Queen


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4 days ago

Dear mrs shredder x ,

The issue with the Castle buffs has been reported earlier today. While we are still awaiting a fix, recapturing the Castles should restore the buffs again. I apologize for the inconvenience it has caused.

4 days ago


4 days ago


mrs shredder x
mrs shredder x
3 days ago

hobbes1 Castles were retaken, and not only did the castle buffs not come back on any of the servers our group is on, but the same groups who won castles from enemy servers from KVK still have those same castles for the next 5 days.

2 days ago

Generally, the issue has been reported, as mentioned. So you are saying that if an alliance held a GC during KvK, and not retaken by an alliance, any effort to retake a GC on a different kingdom does not apply the buff? If you can, please let me know the specific Kingdoms and GCs that are affected so I can submit the information to the Old Gods.

