GTarcade App
More benefits, more surprises
GTarcade PAYS PLAYERS to influence and manipulate the gameplay (at least in Infinity Kingdom). This is not a theory. The players themselves have admitted it…
So, by association, GTarcade itself is corrupting the gameplay, and doing their best to influence the outcome of things, as well as doing everything they can to provoke other (legitimate) players to spend more money.
Be careful spending money on anything, because if you “crack the code” and figure out how to grow your account in their system, they will literally pay larger players to mass-migrate to your server, and totally disrupt everything.
And good luck getting any kind of response from “customer service,” other than automated responses.
I can only speak for Inifinity Kingdom, but why would it be any different in any of the others? The creators of these games are seemingly ONLY interested in deceiving people into spending money. That’s really the bottom line.
It’s pretty pathetic (and illegal, depending on the country you are in)…