Why is Seondeok nerfed she is now compleatly useles. Dont call her ex performance bugg. She did 4 burst hitting 4 enemies which is 16 times damage in idel conditions and it was only way to make fire competative against earth. She has slow energy regen and her damage without spaming is less than mediocore. Why are you doing it? You could buff Chaos marches or something if you were worried that we compete with chaos, You just made us fire users unable to compete with anyrhing not only that Seon corosive is destroyed she performs worse than she did without corosive before. my lvl 7 seon is outperformed by lvl 3 wu and its absurd. What is point of spending in game if anything we spend on can be taken away. I have 2k€ march that id made compleatoy useless now. Pleqse make some balance eather make seons energy regen same ad wu or something because now she is compleatoy useles. Or at least let us exchange het fragments for other immortal fragments.