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The Predator’s Triumph : MTD on a hunt!!

Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 12/26/2024 03:43

MeetTheDevil (MTD) was getting bored. It's been a while since he had the last PvP war. He was becoming restless, searching for a possible target. As he was about to say goodnight to Westeros, being tired of looking for a target without finding anything good, he decided to take one last look at K291, a kingdom where he had quite some fun in the past weeks.

14 days ago...

MTD was looking for an old acquaintance from K435 and suddenly found his castle in K291 near Eyrie, sitting under bubble in a small hive. As he was taking scanning all the castles in the hive he found one unbubbled castle. It looked like promising target, but he wasn't sure if it was already attacked. He wanted to see if it had any troops before he teleported there. He quickly moved an old scout account there and voila. It has 8M troops, mostly bows. He did not take more than a moment to make up his mind. Within seconds he was ready for battle. He instantly jumped next to the target and started attacking. It took him 4 battles to kill all the troops.

3 days ago...

It was Castle Siege (CS) time and everyone was busy with night king event. MTD wanted to have some fun. He used an old scout account in K291 and took all the great cities as soon as the CS started. Of course this weak account not hold any great city but he could annoy them with it. He wanted to see if he could make one of the big players big drop their bubble to take back the great city, but that did not happen. BoW was not that naive, they used tiny alt accounts to take the great cities back. But WAU alliance wasn't that careful, one of their main account dropped bubble to take the great city of Eyrie back. MTD did not miss the chance to scout him, he had only 4M troops though. Not worth the jump there.


I was about to go to bed and wanted to take a final look at some kingdoms where I have my scout accounts. So I looked at K291 and see that one player sitting there without bubble, holding a lord. I immediately scouted him with my scout account. He freaked out and immediately turned on the bubble without checking who is scouting. But I sat there with my scout account, right next to him. He saw it's a tiny account and decided to attack my scout account with his full main army. That was his biggest mistake, he just entered fervor and I got the entire battle report. I recalled all my gathering troops in K357 and quickly changed into battle gears. In the meantime, I was in a small alliance, now this guy and another player called ArnessOn, showed up to their hive and started attacking them. They must have felt insulted that a tiny no name, nothing alliance has dared to scout a member of a great city holding alliance. I was still in a bit of confusion what to do, do a solo or rally. I asked in the group chat if anyone is available but no responded. But seeing Arness as well as him, I made up mind to hit them. As together they had 14M juicy troops. Now Arness moved to their hive once done with the hitting, I used my scout account to start a 10 minute (10 minute rally also to help me to keep track of his fervor time) fake rally on the other player to keep track of him. Then I ported in their hive and attacked Arness. He did not have good stats, no prepared wall neither had battle gear on (he was attacking them with mountain clan gear on), so 1 hit and all his 4M troops perished (they met the devil )

Then I moved to near the other guy. Now he had 5M T4 bows with 3.75M T1 bow. He had his full battle gear on and our primary attack stats wasn't much different, so I knew it was going to be a very tight evenly balanced battle.

I decied to hit him with all T4 and no meatshield as I can lose the battle otherwise. I had my preset saved accordingly. As soon as I hit him he randomly relocated. But I had my fake rally on him, so it took only a moment to find his new location. I healed all my troops and went for the 2nd hit and then 3rd hit. As I had to be quick, I couldn't change my preset settings and sent only T4s to all 3 battles, which expectedly proved to be very expensive. Now, he realized I'm finding his location somehow but he did not realize how, so he hid his 900K+ T4 bows with his lord in shelter right before the 4th hit. After that he started random relocating. I could still find his location from the rally but he relocated before I could launch an attack. He did this 3-4 times. I got frustrated, that was I gonna miss out on those merits? I kept finding his new location though. He surely did not realize it was the rally that kept a track of his location as he stopped after 3-4 random relocations. Then I hit him 1 final time and that was it, all his troops were dead except the one that he hid in the shelter.

Then day after day, bubbles kept dropping one by one, and all I had to do was zero and empty out their castle one by one till none was left.

As for the last castle that dropped bubble....

And I finally breathed a sigh of relief. I did not miss those merits eventually. Was a good hunt that mounted to a total of 38,5M which is an astonishing amount for a hunt on 1 server!!! See you!!!!
