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Bugged Demonic War (DST) + Compensation

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Article Publish : 11/02/2024 17:00
Edited by silvermistr at 11/05/2024 19:55

Dear Players,

Before forum is flooded with reports about the issue, I hope you all will read this. Demonic War will be bugged due to Daylight Saving Time. The schedule will get skipped one round of Demonic War and the one after will be back to normal. Compensation for this bugged Demonic War will be provided later on. We have/had this bug every year, so I truly hope you guys won't make a big fuss over it. Thank you.


As I mentioned above, one round of Demonic War would get skipped due to DST and it already happened. GMT servers should have their Demonic War schedule back to normal by now. As for EST and PST servers, the round that got skipped was 5th-8th. By this time, you will see the new round 9th-12th.

Just like the year before, I will tell you this, despite what it says- System default, you can set the date/time for this new round. Default only set when you failed to choose the new date by the last day of previous round. The previous round was already gone but the new round that starts on 9th is days away, so you can set it still.

The selected date/time will be highlighted like normal and if you have been unable to set it, you will get a different message like this:

I hope this explanation help those who are worried about the upcoming single-server tycoon. 🙂
