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Choso wanders alone in the Arena of Honor

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/05/2024 05:11

The wind howled as Choso stood looking at the Arena of Honor before the next round of action. Looking out at the battlefield that was very vast before him, he was very impressed by it and wished to seize the largest building beside all, the City of Glory. The City of Glory was in the distance, its blue icy walls intimidating for everyone who approached it. To most, it represented victory, power, and recognition as they would build fame and raise through the rankings, achieving something that everyone strived for: bigger rewards. For Choso, a member of FuK which is an up and coming alliance, it meant everything that he was able to capture the menacing city of glory. If he could capture it, if FuK could raise their banner over it and show everyone that they also could be a part of the elite.

But as he stood there, awaiting for the battle to begin and his teammates to arrive, Choso felt a deep unease creeping in, as he saw the strength of his House. He was alone in this, as he was leagues above his own team, while despite them being determined, they weren’t ready for what was coming. As much as he hated to admit it, he knew he stood no chance at capturing the City of Glory if the enemies were strong.

The arena was filled with seasoned warriors, alliances that had fought and won countless times, and among them stood the infamous House Targaryen, led by KAC, they were going to be Choso's opponents for this round, he needed to get in their way he thought.

KAC’s reputation preceded them, as they were an alliance with great history and reputation. House Targaryen was a juggernaut on this round and they were clearly the favourites. Choso's team decided to build trade posts for a good income of points, something he thought was a good choice. Now it was time for the altars to unlock, a target to be captured in House Targaryen's eyes.

He clenched his fist looking at the opposition capture his team's altar: “Not today, I am not letting you capture the altar.” he muttered, determination seeping into his bones. They might be stronger, but that didn’t mean Choso will just give up.

The capture of the altar meant that the round kicked off, Choso charged forward with his team, his heart pounding as he attacked the nearest altar which was now occupied by KAC. If Choso could secure even that one altar, it'd be a great start as they’d start building up points. But his gut told him things wouldn’t go as smoothly as he wanted.

The clash was immediate after Choso saw the altar being captured, he did not want to waste any second. He swung his blade with everything he had, managing to recapture it in one fell swoop. But it was clear from the attack, although it was won, that Targaryen was a force to be reckoned with. Every time other members of Choso's team gained ground, House Targaryen countered, and the gap in strength became painfully clear, Choso had to take immediate action to stop that, thus starting to focus himself on their altars instead.

Choso’s army clashed against House Targaryen many times, the force of the blow done to their points was starting to be felt by them. But as he was denying House Targaryen points, Choso looked around him just to realise he was fighting a losing battle.

His team was faltering around him, struggling to keep up with the relentless attacks. Before long, the tide turned against them. They had lost control of the altars, and in the chaos, their House building, it was getting captured by the enemies.

“Damn it!” Choso said frustrated, knowing he was the only way to stop their banners from raising on their House. But even if he was to capture the House back, he knew the team would not be able to withstand the Targaryen House in the fight against the altars. The situation felt hopeless, but there was no time for despair.

“We need that House back!” Choso shouted, solo attacking it within few seconds, ''If we don't take it, we’re finished.”

The battle for their House was a desperate one but whoever was more determined was going to win it. Choso fought like a man possessed, leading the charge as he clashed with the forces holding the building. Each swing of his sword was fueled by sheer willpower that in the end pushed the enemy back, until finally he reclaimed their House, but now he was going to be stuck there. His team was on its own from now on.

As Choso was now locked inside the House, the City of Glory still stood in the distance, unclaimed. Every House has now shifted focus towards trying to capture it, it was going to be an impossible mission for his teammates, who chose to focus on the altars after seeing how strong the City was to capture. Targaryen, along with other alliances, were now distracted, it was time for Choso's team to gain many points.

They managed to do just that, as everyone seemed to be failing the capture of the City of Glory, it was left uncaptured, with time for the other houses wasted.

As the final minutes of the round ticked away, Choso stood still atop of House, unable to participate but watching the battlefield grow still. House Targaryen and the other alliances had fought hard, and so did his team, giving everything they could, but in the end, no one had managed to claim the City of Glory until the very end.

“We may not have won this round, but we survived. And we did better than expected, we have achieved the third spot in the rankings.” said Choso, with now a smile on his face.

It wasn’t what he had dreamed of, but it was a nice result for his lonely adventure into the depths of the arena. As he left the battlefield, he had only thoughts for the future, he was still learning from his fights and hoped to have become stronger. He was yearning for a victory the next time he would join the arena.

“I’ll be back, and next time, I will capture you.” he whispered, more to himself than anyone else.
