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MYR 2024

News & Annoucements
Article Publish : 08/19/2024 20:05

Dear players,

I have been seeing posts of this topic, so I will put this up to avoid answering the same question again. I was told that MYR will be in August (this month) and if they follow the same schedule, it should be at the end of this month.

Please note that I have no confirmation of the exact date. They just told me we will have MYR when I asked about it back in June. Should we fail to see the event end of this month, I reckon it will be added at the beginning of September as it's not impossible for them to change the usual date. Last note, I already requested gift codes for MYR. I'm not sure if they are approved, but we should have a code or two when the event is up.

Have a lovely day.
