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Survey Results Capturing Your Thoughts

Press Officer
Article Publish : 08/05/2024 20:25
Edited by magic mage at 08/05/2024 22:36

Your Voice was Heard

The Results are In for the Mid-Summer Festival – 2024 Games

Hello, this is Magic Mage, July 21 Following our midsummer games event I posted a survey and asked Lords to participate and share their experience and engagement. Many times we advise members on how to play events and the value we perceive from participating. We disclose best practices, and tips we have learned along the way. However, rarely do we look at and report on what you, the community as a whole experienced. I set out to truly understand and capture your feedback regarding the summer event. I had provided two weeks, for individual lords to respond, and the results are in.


We began the survey asking Lords which level they were able to ascertain in the Summer Party event. Answers ranged from Level 21 to 35 with the majority (27.78%) responding to having completed level 32. No one who responded was able to reach level 40 in the summer games. The second most level ascertained by lords was tied between four levels 35, 24, 21, and 17. (11%) of the lords who participated within the survey was able to reach one of these four levels. 

Of the lords who responded a Majority reported playing were from Conquest (52.63%). However, those from season 2 and 3 also responded to this survey. Individuals who participated in the preparation stage and Season one did not respond to this survey and as such I am unable to capture their experiences within the results reported. 

Of those who responded to the survey, greater than 50% identified they had not made a purchase when playing the Mid-Summer Festival Event.

Knowing more than half of the lords who responded did not participate in the event is important, but knowing why holds even greater value.

From the results it appears many wanted a specific item from either the $19.99 chronicle path or both this path and the free to play chronicle path. Other reasons may have been as the game fell during the spending event and the purchases helped a lord provide rewards for personal growth through this event.

What I found particularly interesting is of the lords who participated a majority reported having not received what they were hoping to obtain by playing the event.

We can see the focus lords placed on their personal growth based on items they assigned value to in terms of what they hoped to collect from playing the Summer Festival event. Most wanted to obtain stardust in addition to the shadow and light selection chest closely followed by the chaos immortal selection box and artifact sematic fragment chest. It does not surprise me stardust was the primary purpose of playing the paid chronicle path and those who engaged on this path were looking to procure immortal fragments. I can also begin to understand the results of individuals reporting they had not received all or some of what they were hoping to secure by playing the events. Stardust level 100 and the Shadow/Light Selection chest in addition to the Chaos Immortal Selection box both required a significant amount of wood bundles to firewood stroke that summer fire so the blaze grew strong and true. 

While some walked away from the event saddened to have not obtained the items they were looking to receive, others opted not to participate in the event. Of those who responded to the survey, 42.11% reported the cost of the event was too expensive for them to justify the cause. I wonder if those who did make purchases but were unable to complete the chronicles would agree. 

Of all the responses no one reported that they did not have interest in the rewards offered for purchase. This means the developers have a good pulse on what we desire. However, it is also clear many felt the event was too expensive for the return on the investment. Only 10.53% those who participated indicated they were free to play. While 42.11% reported the event was too expensive for them to play and 10.53% indicated they did not have enough time to budget 26.32% of those surveyed reported making a purchase. This speaks towards individuals’ desires for the items offered to collect.

To Complete the chronicles a sale Lord had to make purchases. Grinding alone would not let someone complete the event. However, even the free to play chronicles to collect firewood through the sail adventure and summer carnival proved challenging. Of those who answered only 92.31% of us were able to complete the sail adventure and fewer of us could complete the Summer Carnival. 

While members reported with completing the carnival tasks to obtain all the treasure boxes within the chronicle for this event. An overwhelming majority reported expelling gnomes was their favorite task they were assigned to complete.

What Are Your Thoughts?

Having now reviewed a sampling of our fellow Lord’s results, do you wish you had played this event any ? differently? Has this event and these results influenced possible purchases in future events? And What changes if any would you hope to see in next year’s Summer Games? Please remember to add your comments below. I will be watching for your thoughts. 

Additional Content from your Friendly Press Officer Magic Mage:

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I wish you all a fabulous summer.

Magic Mage

Official Press Officer for Infinity Kingdom

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