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[Review] Player's Digest: Weekly Summary and Analysis of Recent News and Events in Infinity Kingdom

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 08/05/2024 05:22


What’s up, folks? With so many new recent events and patches, coupled with lots of community chatter, it’s sometimes difficult to keep up. Welcome to my weekly edition of Player’s Digest where I’ll take a look at some of the recent happening, summarize them in a digestible way, provide some context and thoughts, and help readers keep up with all things related to Infinity Kingdom.

💠Table of Contents

  • Illusion Battlefield League
  • Legion of Frostborne
  • Chaos Roulette Update
  • Summary

💠Illusion Battlefield League

Playoffs officially kicked off and the first week of games have been played. In Group 1, the alliance from Server 231, CUBS from Server 73, TYT from Server 13, and RH from Server 183 defeated their counterparts to move on to the next stage while WV from Server 209, KoV from 243, HOWL from 170, and UNM from 271 are knocked down to the silver side of the bracket. In Group 2, NG+, BUNS, DT, and IMPF from 105, 73, 22, and 170 made it over WOH, WOLF, ORCA, and VAN of 265, 38, 93, and 45, respectively. In Group 3, WIB from 253, Midnight Sun from 145, HMB from 56, and GoN from 205 moves on while QSS from 56, BM from 143, MIAU from 136, and XGV from 143 fall to the loser’s bracket. In Group 4, NxW, from 43, AOSK from 136, Lion from 205, and VEX from 38 beat Reds from 205, ZOO from 164, Inka from 191, and PRD from 73. In Group 5, TA, PXR, GN, and SF triumphed over TPER, MHJ, ANA, and AVR. In Group 6, KoZ, AoW, IMPK, and BAD defeated DH, JF, FAM, and KOL. In Group 7, SSQ, KoS, DA, and F8 beat 52, the alliance from 139, AxG, and LoL. Lastly, in Group 8, 1ST, AWG, ToW, and GSI destroyed SON, JED, MAP, and DH. In my opinion, all of the outcomes of the matches this week were fairly expected. The only match some people may have had expectations for was the VEX versus PRD match but PRD hasn’t played well all season so those expectations may have been misplaced.

💠Legion of Frostborne

Zone 2 gates have flown open and there are new PvE events in the Legion of Frostborne map. During the event, resource sites with an abundance of materials will appear in Zone 2 and the gathering speed of these sites will be much quicker than normal ones. Additionally, relic ruins will appear across the entire map where players can find gems, speedups, and resources. Exploring ruins will collect clues for the Ancient Altar. The Ancient Altar is similar to the Battle of Asteria event where a leader of an alliance can summon the altar and players will have to defeat the altar to earn four-hour buffs like more points for defeating gnomes and increased gathering speed. The new resource sites and the ruins are extremely good ways to get free-to-play players more involved in LoF. With Zone 1 being completely safe from other factions, players have more incentive to gather resources and donate them to the cities for Alliance Coins that they can use to buy speedups. Ruins are also a great way for players to earn some gems without spending AP or money. The Ancient Altar seems like a waste of AP as the buff is temporary and random. Some buffs are better than others and you may not even get the buff you want. I would skip that portion entirely.

💠Chaos Roulette Update

This week, Chaos Roulette got a mini update. Players can now choose whether they want six immortal fragments and four exclusive artifact shards or two slots of five exclusive artifact shards to appear in the wheel. Since most players will get enough shards to get a three-star artifact by the time they finish their immortal, getting the last eight to max the artifact is now more viable. Though, those eight artifacts will still run you about $1,200 on average which is about a little more than a third of the price to complete an immortal. I wouldn’t say it’s worth it unless you don’t have an exclusive artifact for your Loki or Wukong and want to get one or if you never got a developable artifact for an important immortal in your team like Poseidon. Players have been asking for this option and they finally get it, it’s a huge positive for the event and should entice more players to spend on Chaos Roulette.


32 IBL teams advance further in the tournament on the Gold side of the bracket while the other 32 have to fight for their playoff lives on the Silver side of the bracket. Enhanced resource sites, relic ruins, and altars have started appearing in LoF and will last several days. They give players a chance to earn rewards for free. Chaos Roulette will now allow players to choose to add more exclusive artifacts to the wheel at the cost of the immortal shards.

What other news would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!


Version 2.7.10

💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website





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