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[Review] Server Sleuth: Summary and Analysis of Servers 251 Through 255 in Infinity Kingdom

Press Officer Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 08/04/2024 16:17
Edited by fictions at 08/04/2024 16:23


What’s up, folks? Welcome to my edition of Server Sleuths where I’m going to take a look at each server, five servers at a time, to give you all the details from their rankings and Legion of Frostborne(LoF) efforts to their world chat and activeness. Players are always looking for new servers to jump to and scout for LoF so I hope to provide some information on servers so you don’t have to make accounts for those you’re not interested in. Space Portals are an expensive investment so this can serve as a guide for you to determine which server may best suit your playstyle. I will also be updating the server rankings on the Infinity Kingdom Discord Community as we go along. In this article, we’ll take a look at servers 251 through 255.


💠Table of Contents

  • Server 251
  • Server 252
  • Server 253
  • Server 254
  • Server 255
  • Summary


💠Server 251

Server 251 is a one-color server belonging to the Vitas alliance LGTM. It has 50 players with a total of about 37 million power. The top five range from 205k to 404k power, but only two players are above 300k. The top two players are high-spenders with both of them fielding Shadow marches. The top player even has three Chaos immortals, including the newly released Anubis. The third-ranked player is a free-to-player Water user. Despite having a couple of Shadow marches in LGTM, the server hasn’t retained a single city in their first two seasons of KvK. They don’t really participate in the event which is a shame. There isn’t a migration cap set and LGTM hasn’t crowned a king in several months. At first glance, the server might seem to have a decent future with the two high-spenders but if they aren’t active in events, then it doesn’t matter how strong their marches are.

💠Server 252

Server 252 is a one-color server that is led by Oh my God(JW). The Ruslan alliance has 73 players with a total of about 42 million power. The top five players have powers between 237k to 321k with the top three using Wind, Fire, and Earth teams, respectively. Unlike the last server, there are few, if any, spenders on the server. In the two seasons of KvK that JW played, they didn’t end with any cities in the first season and only retained a couple of cities in the next season. Even if JW has the manpower, they do not have the firepower to contend with spenders. The migration limit is set at 2.5 million power, but JW doesn’t complete every COR. I don’t see a long future for this server simply due to the lack of spenders. In my opinion, servers need both spenders and good leaders to survive and thrive.

💠Server 253

Server 253 is a three-color server shared by the Ydvia alliance Bad Company(BAD), the Vitas alliance Knights of Zodiac(KoZ), and the Ruslan alliance Watch It Burn(WIB). BAD has 104 players with a total of 146 million power, KoZ has 144 members with a total of 173 million power, and WIB has 134 players with a total of 143 million power. The top five players range between 426k to 455k with the top three using Water, Chaos Shadow, and Fire marches, respectively. There are 15 players above 400k which is significant for a young server. The top players and all the cities in Norheim are all evenly distributed among the three alliances so no one alliance stands above the others. Despite having so much strength and so many players, 253 lost the inaugural and only KvK season to their neighbors in Server 254. They kept a few cities though. In future seasons, I would wager they are one of the top contenders amongst the newer servers. The migration limit is set at 1.8 million power and the three alliances rotate COR and kings.

💠Server 254

Server 254 is a green-colored server that is home to Your Kingdom(MVP). The Vitas alliance hosts 93 players with a total of about 69 million power. Despite having enough players to take the best capitals, they haven’t done so yet. The top five players range from 357k to 433k with the top three using Lightning, Earth, and mixed Earth teams. The top player is in a different alliance and the fourth-ranked player is not in an alliance at all. It signifies the possible lack of activity and active players on the server. 254 is also an extremely young server so they may still be figuring out their politics and server dynamic. The server has only played one KvK and won it handily, taking Ymir and all three citadels. 433k is a decent power for the age of the server and MVP looks to be a better alliance than some of the others in this batch. There is currently no migration limit set which is peculiar since the server doesn’t have any difficulties finishing COR. Some of the logs in the World Chat indicate that 254 has rogue issues and trouble with hitting gathering tiles. While 254 has been successful so far, I would be wary of their social dynamic.

💠Server 255

Lastly, Server 255 is a one-color server that plays host to the Ruslan alliance Temple of the Sun(TOS). TOS houses 67 members with a total of 40 million power. The top five players range from 202k to 337k. The top three use Wind, Water, and Fire marches, but none of them are spenders. One of them isn’t even in an alliance. That speaks to the inactivity that plagues the server. In the single season KvK TOS partook in, they lost to Server 254 but kept nearly their whole starting zone. With how weak they look now, I don’t expect them to be able to make much noise in the event moving forward. The migration limit is set at 2.4 million power but TOS hasn’t crowned a king in nearly three months and will likely not be able to seat one for the foreseeable future.


Of all five servers in this batch, Server 254 has had the most success, but Server 253 currently has the brightest future. The server seems to be alive and thriving while the others are struggling to keep their activity up. 253 is the only one I would consider spending Space Portals migrating to.


What other facts about servers would you like to see? Let me know in the comments below!



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💠Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website





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