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"The Vengeful Tide" [Origins] Quest - An Infinity Kingdom Story

Press Officer
Article Publish : 08/04/2024 09:48

🔷 Introduction

Hello and welcome to a creative backstory written by yours truly, Hades.

There are so many incredible immortals in our beloved game, and I will bring as many of these characters to life. Trying to keep everyone thematic to both the game and their original origins while also spinning them to my own creative desires. I hope you enjoy this heartbreaking story about one of my new favorite immortal in Infinity Kingdom.

🔷 Part 1: “The Vengeful Tide” (Origins)

In the twilight of a peaceful Korean village, six-year-old Yi Sun-Shin (YSS) played with his parents in the golden glow of the setting sun. The tranquility of the evening was suddenly shattered by the thunderous roar of invading forces. YSS's parents were killed in a merciless raid, their lives taken with brutal efficiency. The boy, hidden behind a pile of debris, watched in horror as his once-safe world crumbled into chaos.

When the invaders finally left, their greed satiated and their bloodlust quenched, YSS emerged from his hiding place. The village was in ruins, and he was alone. His parents were gone, and with them, any semblance of normalcy. Grieving yet resolute, YSS took his first steps into a harsh and unforgiving world. The wilderness became his home, its harshness a constant reminder of his loss.

For the next decade, YSS learned to survive. His young hands grew calloused as he learned to hunt, build, and defend himself. Each day was a struggle, each night a challenge, but his resolve never wavered. In the cold depths of the forest, amidst the echoes of his parents’ final screams, YSS made a vow: he would make those who took his family pay for their crimes.

By the time he was sixteen, YSS had grown into a formidable young man, hardened by years of survival. He approached a local military recruiter with a façade of respect and honor. His eyes, however, betrayed a different kind of fire—one that burned for revenge. His extraordinary skills and unwavering discipline earned him a place in the military, and he quickly rose through the ranks.

YSS’s ascent was marked by an outward display of patriotism and duty. To his comrades, he was a dedicated and honorable soldier. Yet, behind closed doors, he harbored a secret. His drive was not merely to serve his country but to climb to the highest echelons of power—the position of Chungmoogong, the supreme commander.

As YSS navigated the complex world of military politics, he kept his true motives hidden. His strategic mind and unwavering discipline earned him the respect of both superiors and peers. But the further he rose, the more the weight of his deception grew. The camaraderie he formed with his fellow soldiers and the respect he earned all contrasted sharply with the singular focus of his mission.

The day came when YSS was finally promoted to Chungmoogong. The ceremony was grand, filled with accolades and the admiration of those who believed in his loyalty and valor. Yet, as he looked out over the sea of faces, he knew that the most significant battle lay ahead.

In secret, YSS discovered that the invaders who had killed his parents had not been eradicated but had instead infiltrated the very fabric of the empire he served. They had morphed into a powerful political faction, their influence extending deep into the military and government. His role as Chungmoogong gave him the power to strike at the heart of this corruption.

One fateful night, YSS orchestrated a covert operation to dismantle the invaders' network. He led his elite forces through a series of meticulously planned strikes, targeting their strongholds and exposing their secrets. The battle was fierce, the stakes high. The clash was not just a physical confrontation but a deeply personal vendetta, a culmination of years of pain and sacrifice.

As dawn broke over the battlefield, YSS stood victorious. The invaders were defeated, their hold over the empire shattered. Yet, amidst the wreckage, he felt a profound emptiness. The vengeance he had sought for so long was now achieved, but the victory was hollow.

YSS had fulfilled his vow, but in doing so, he had lost a part of himself. The years of hiding his true motives—the constant battle between duty and revenge—had left him a man torn between two worlds. The respect and accolades he received felt meaningless in the face of the personal cost he had endured.

As he looked out over the land he had fought so hard to protect, YSS realized that the quest for revenge had not brought him peace but had instead left him with a deeper understanding of his own humanity. His legacy would be one of both valor and tragedy, a testament to the complexities of duty and personal vendetta.

📄 Recap Questions

What is in store for YSS in the future?

Will his journey be intertwined with any other immortals?

🔷 Conclusion

YSS is one of my new favorite heroes and he will play an integral part in future stories.  Knowing his origin story is important to the grand scheme of Norheim and he will be a  

See you next week!

🔷 Hades, Press Officer [S170 - SF]

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