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Anubis-Desert Reaper

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Article Publish : 07/13/2024 18:24
Edited by lucasta at 07/13/2024 18:26

Legend has it that Anubis, as the god of death, weighs the hearts of the deceased against the feather of truth. The legendary scales on his shoulders are the sole measure of weight. Fairness and bravery are his guiding principles. When he descended on Norheim, the magical scales granted him outstanding offensive power and defensive effects. Let's evaluate his strength in actual combat alongside Lucasta!

Immortal Introduction

Deadly Sandstorm has three effects:

1. It converts Anubis's physical defense into physical attack, granting him not only high physical defense but also high physical attack. This makes him an Immortal with both strong attack and defense.

2. It increases the damage received by all enemies, enabling Anubis to assist his allies in dealing more damage.

3. It inflicts a bleed effect on all enemies, causing physical damage every 3 seconds. The bleed effect can trigger special effects under certain conditions.

Unique Artifact Recommendation: Balance of Judgment·Growth

Main attributes for the Unique Artifact Recommendation: Physical Defense Bonus / Physical Defense

Team Comp

This lineup consists of Anubis, Poseidon, Fufei, and Loki, featuring multiple DPS. When Anubis releases his ultimate skill to inflict a bleed effect on the enemy lineup, it can work with Loki to increase the probability of causing Confuse. The best defense is a good offense. Deploying multiple Immortals as DPS, combined with a synergy of physical and magical attacks, can significantly increase the lineup’s attack.


Anubis is recommended to be paired with Attack & Defense, a physical damage skill that triggers every 6 seconds with a high trigger chance of 60%. This skill not only deals high physical damage but also significantly increases Anubis's physical defense. It holds significant value, especially in a version dominated by Poseidon. Pairing Anubis with other Immortals can enhance the effectiveness of their own skills.

Practical Evaluation

To ensure the accuracy of the test results, the test lineup is consistent in all aspects outside of the immortals, skills, and artifacts.Each set of tests was carried out three times, and the middle value is shown for a more intuitive comparison of the lineup strength.We'll now test Poseidon's team, which specializes in healing, against Anubis's team.

Enemy Lineup:

Battle Report Analysis: The battle lasted 49 seconds with a KD ratio of 1.2. Compared to the popular Poseidon double support lineup, it's clear that when Poseidon acts as the primary DPS, Anubis and Loki also dealt significant damage. Anubis increased the damage received by enemies, countering a portion of Athena's damage reduction effect. Furthermore, Loki's magical damage reduced Athena's healing. With multiple DPS on our side, the battle concluded swiftly.


An Immortal with high physical defense and physical attack is already commendable. Additionally, the synergy of the bleed effect with Loki enhances the attack even further. Anubis, being a Chaos Immortal, has strong compatibility with various lineup compositions, allowing players to explore different possibilities.


Anubis serves as the guide and guardian of the dead in Egyptian mythology. Below is a comparison table of Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs and modern alphabets.

What do the Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs represent? Leave your answer and ID in the comments below, and Lucasta will select 5 lucky lords to receive a special prize! Let the ancient mysteries unfold!
