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[Player’s Handbook] The Complete Guide To Stardust

Article Publish : 06/19/2024 00:44
Edited by selfdestruct38 at 06/19/2024 00:45


Hello everyone! Ever been unsure which immortals to spend your hard earned stardust on? Ever upgraded a portrait only to regret it a few weeks later? Or ever wondered how much it costs to upgrade portraits to reach the next bonus stat? Look no further, for with this guide, everything you will ever need to know will be at your fingertips.


Stardust is the newest way that has been introduced to strengthen immortals, giving players the ability to upgrade portraits for individual immortals. Even though stardust has been around for months, it is still a very scarce resource. In addition, once stardust is used to upgrade a portrait, it cannot be taken back to upgrade another portrait, making it imperative to choose the correct immortals to spend stardust on. 

Stardust - Where do I get them?

There are various places where stardust can be obtained, the easiest one being the Throne of the Supreme shop. Other places include Illusion Battlefield Shop, Arena Insignia Shop, Open Arena end of season rewards, Time Rift Breaker Shop, Market, Deep Sea Eye Merchant Ship and Golden Path. To supplement this, stardust can also be purchased from Primal Pinball, the Pearl Shop, and various limited time events. 

Upgrading Priorities

Immortals who are the main damage dealers on the team should always be given priority and upgraded first. Upgrading portraits of damage dealing immortals such as Alex, Himiko, Seondeok and Manco provides the greatest power boost to teams. The increase in damage output on these immortals has the largest impact on the outcome of battle, much more than any of the supporting immortals. While expensive, prioritising getting the portraits of these immortals to level 20, then to level 40 is well worth the time and stardust. 

Portraits of other supporting immortals such as Charles, Zenobia, El Cid and Hippolyta should be upgraded to a maximum of level 20, where they gain a 5% damage reduction. Past this point, the diminishing returns on the stardust required to upgrade each portrait level makes it not worth the cost.

Portrait Upgrades - Bonus Stats

Upgrading portraits will upgrade one of these stats above. When upgrading to level 1, the first stat row is upgraded, followed by the 2nd stat row at level 2, the 3rd stat row at level 3, then back to the 1st stat row at level 4. At every 10 levels, one of the bonus stats on the 4th or 5th rows will be upgraded. At level 10, 30 and 50, the 4th stat row is upgraded, and at level 20 and 40, the last stat row is upgraded. These provide a large power spike for the immortals, especially the upgrades at level 20 and level 40. 

Depending on what class the immortal belongs to, the stats they gain from their portraits will differ to suit their role accordingly. For example, Magic immortals such as Himiko gain a Magic Damage increase when their portrait reaches level 20, while Attack Immortals such as Alex gain an increase in Physical Damage at portrait level 20.

Portrait Upgrades - Stardust Costs

The costs of upgrading portraits increases exponentially. From level 1 to 10, it only costs 115 stardust to upgrade 10 levels, but this increases to 1684 stardust when upgrading from level 31 to 40. Generally, upgrading portraits past level 20 is only worth it for immortals who are the main damage dealers on the main team. It is not recommended to go past level 40, as the high cost of stardust is not worth the increase in power that the portraits give. 


Deciding what immortals to upgrade has always been a difficult decision for many players, especially when it comes to scarce resources such as stardust. With this guide, you will be able to make more informed decisions, and avoid the regret of upgrading the wrong portraits in the future.

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