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Article Publish : 04/29/2024 09:14

Hello and Welcome to Honors Cornor!!

Finally, the sun is shining and I might be able to say Spring has arrived lol. Time to dust off the BBQ, do odd jobs in the garden and crack open the wine. 

I hope all you Lords and Ladies of Norheim are having a good weekend and making the most of the last day before the next working week starts. Lol is that groans I hear for mentioning work, oops sorry:(. 

Swiftly moving on, let's see what today's topic of conversation is today?. I read a comment by a fellow Infinity Kingdom player, asking what was Gift of Piety from the Tree of Talents. Hopefully, the following article helps to demystify this specific talent.




In the vast and dynamic world of Infinity Kingdom, talents play a crucial role in shaping the progress and capabilities of players' kingdoms. Among these talents lies the intriguing Gift of Piety, a skill nestled within the Talent Tree waiting to be explored and harnessed. This essay aims to delve into the essence of the Gift of Piety, unravel its intricacies, discuss its functionality, and explore the optimal strategies for utilizing its benefits. Additionally, we will explore how the Gift of Piety synergizes with other talents in the Talent Tree and whether it is best utilized within the development or military side, or as a hybrid talent tree approach.



  1. Purpose and Activation:
  • The Gift of Piety talent is designed to enhance resource acquisition and management.
  • To activate it, allocate talent points to the Gift of Piety node within your talent tree.


The Gift of Piety, nestled within the Talent Tree of Infinity Kingdom, is a skill that embodies the virtues of dedication and devotion. At its core, the Gift of Piety enhances the efficiency and productivity of various aspects within the kingdom, ranging from resource production to technological advancements.

  1. Resource Boosts:
  • Building Efficiency: The first crucial talent is Massive Construction. It significantly reduces building construction time, making it essential for any talent loadout until you reach maximum construction levels.
  • Resource Collection: Boost your resource gathering rate with talents specific to each resource type. These talents make upgrades smoother and more efficient.
  • Gold Income: While farmable resources are important, gold income is a bigger bottleneck. Prioritize the Plentiful Gold talent (5/5) over other resource-specific talents. Gold fuels your kingdom's growth and development.


The mechanics of the Gift of Piety are straightforward yet profound. Upon activation, this talent boosts the production rates of resources within the kingdom, including food, wood, stone, and gold. The extent of the boost depends on the level of investment and mastery of the talent, with higher levels translating to more substantial increases in resource output.

  1. Prayer and Dead-Castle Raids:
  • Daily Prayers: Your daily prayers yield substantial resources. If you find yourself in need of building materials, consider investing in the Gift of Piety talent.
  • Dead-Castle Raids: Attacking abandoned castles can yield valuable resources. Use the Divine Walkertalent, especially for distant castles, to conserve Action Points (AP).


To fully capitalize on the benefits of the Gift of Piety, players must strategically allocate talent points, and invest in its development within the Talent Tree. By prioritizing the advancement of this talent, players can ensure a steady and abundant influx of resources, essential for sustaining the growth and prosperity of their kingdoms.

  1. Strategic Considerations:
  • Balance: Maintain a balance between resource collection and gold income. Prioritize gold, but don't neglect other resources.
  • Resource Management: Use the Gift of Piety wisely based on your current needs. Adapt your talent allocation as your kingdom evolves.


However, the utility of the Gift of Piety extends beyond resource production alone. Its effects ripple across various aspects of kingdom management, facilitating faster research and construction times, and enabling players to progress through technological advancements at an accelerated pace. This, in turn, empowers players to strengthen their defences, unlock new abilities, and expand their influence within the realm.


In conjunction with other talents within the Talent Tree, the Gift of Piety can be further enhanced and optimized for maximum efficiency. Talents such as BIG YIELDS and MassiveConstruction complement the benefits of the Gift of Piety by amplifying resource production rates and reducing construction times, respectively. Additionally, talents that boost research speed and decrease upgrade costs synergize well with the Gift of Piety, allowing players to streamline technological advancements and allocate resources more judiciously.


The question arises: should players focus solely on the development side of the Talent Tree to maximize the benefits of the Gift of Piety, or can it be integrated into a hybrid talent tree approach that incorporates military capabilities as well?


The answer lies in the strategic objectives and playstyle preferences of individual players. While prioritizing the development side of the Talent Tree can lead to exponential growth and prosperity, neglecting military talents may leave kingdoms vulnerable to external threats and conflicts. Therefore, adopting a hybrid talent tree approach, that balances development and military prowess, can be a prudent strategy. By investing in both resource production and military capabilities, players can achieve a harmonious equilibrium, ensuring the sustainability and security of their kingdoms.




In the realm of Infinity Kingdom, the Gift of Piety stands as a testament to the virtues of dedication and devotion. This talent, nestled within the Talent Tree, holds the key to unlocking boundless potential, and prosperity for players' kingdoms. By strategically allocating talent points and investing in its development, players can harness the benefits of increased resource production, faster research and construction times, and accelerated technological advancements.


To fully optimize the benefits of the Gift of Piety, players must consider its synergies with other talents within the Talent Tree, such as Resource Mastery and Efficient Construction. Additionally, the decision to focus on the development side of the Talent Tree exclusively or adopt a hybrid approach that incorporates military capabilities depends on individual strategic objectives and playstyle preferences.


In essence, the Gift of Piety offers players the opportunity to cultivate thriving and resilient kingdoms, marked by prosperity, progress, and prowess. As players embark on their journey through the vast expanse of Infinity Kingdom, may the Gift of Piety guide them towards greatness and ensure the enduring legacy of their kingdoms for generations to come.





