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Patchnotes 2.6.9

Article Publish : 05/15/2024 21:39

Hi everyone, i’m PO PandaMoratia. In today’s article we will talk about the Patchnotes 2.6.9.

New Feature : 

-We’ve been waiting for this for a very long time and it has arrived, the Titantula is getting buffed and will now scale all the way to level 120 which should put an end to the 20 seconds lifespan this little creep has on a very active server. It will make it much easier to collect all our chest rewards by being able to hit multiple times per spawn hopefully.

-Less work for the R6, the primary force and substitute for Regular Illusion Battlefield will now copy from one registration to another. Leaving them to just adjust the few members that need to be changed without going over the whole list once again. Good features.

-Still making officer’s lifes easier, they can now adjust member rank by batch. Nice improvement for a task that could be quite time consuming if you are as an example optimizing your CoR rewards.

-The limit for SP is increased by 100 and the base limit for AP by 500 with the available limit by 1000. Release some pressure to not max out and lose some regeneration points, good change for players who have a low activity on some days.

Optimization : 

-Switching Lord Talent page no longer costs gems, that’s a very big one, there will be no more excuses to not use proper talent in Illusion Battlefield and SvS.

-Harbor Interface is getting optimised, we'll know how much experience is earned by exploration, the reward should be a bit nicer to loot and we should have an easier time to select the proper immortal to set on the ship with the bonuses immortal coming in first of the list. That was much needed, while i prefer this new ship version compared to the previous one, it was a bit lacking in polishing, it is now done !

-Mercantile Path reward and ranking should also get a fresh up, we take it.

Balance Adjustment : 

Melanthios is getting some love in this patch, with all 3 talent branches been buffed : 

-Silhouette : Dark Breath’s True damage increases from 6% per level to 10% per level.

-Abyss : Dark Breath’s increases the damage dealt to targets below 50% by 30%+5% per level instead of 30%+2%.

-Corrupt : Eclipse now silences the enemy front row for 9 sec +0.6 sec per level and if the target is immune to control it will take 30% more damage.

Conclusion : 

That’s it for this patch. Nothing major but some really good Quality of Life improvement done, the two most important in my opinion being the Lord Talent pages that no longer require gems and the Balance adjustment on the Shadow Dragon Melanthios that could change a lot of things and perhaps shake a bit the meta.

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Press Officer [S56][EDEN]PandaMoratia

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