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New SvS alerts

Article Publish : 07/19/2024 06:02
Edited by wickedlyelphaba at 07/19/2024 06:04

The announcement you get before the faction assignment is very unclear. We thought it was telling us that your alliance would be locked for the duration of frostborn once the assignment day started. But really, the alliance is only locked for that one assignment day.

And since top alliances don’t get to choose their faction, if we had known the alliance lock would only be temporary, we would have had all the powerful people leave the alliance to lower power and thereby get to choose the faction ourselves.

It is obvious to us now that some other servers did understand and exploit this loophole because there are three top alliances in one faction when there should be only two per faction.

So long as this loophole is open, there is no hope for more balance in SvS. So, I hope they will find a way to close the loophole. But, so long as it remains open, everyone should know in order for all to have an equal opportunity to exploit it.

Also, this business where the smaller alliances must choose a faction without knowing what faction the larger alliances have been assigned is insanity and also leads to imbalance.

We let the game assign our alt alliance factions and got lucky that our best one was assigned the same faction as our main alliance. But that isn’t fair to servers that aren’t so lucky because now we get to farm tons of honor from our alts in that alliance when others whose alt alliances weren’t given the same faction as their main alliance cannot do the same.

IK, I think the changes to make it so that points for alliance-member activity count toward ultimate victory is a good start toward improving SvS balance. But these two issues I outline here must be addressed or nothing is improved with this update.
