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Speed Blessing: Unlocked

Article Publish : 09/02/2024 21:16

Hello and Welcome to Honors Corner!!

Hey everyone, I trust you all had a great weekend! Despite dodging rain and thunderstorms, my weekend was full of fun and exciting moments. I also rallied my troops in Norheim, gearing up for the exciting challenges ahead. 


Hey there! During this week's exciting double reward event, I've taken the opportunity to dive back into the fascinating world of the Gnome March. Let's dig into the specific skills I'm gearing up to master. So, make a cup of coffee, get cosy, and let us uncover some valuable insights together!


Introduction: Speed Blessing—The Fast Lane to Victory?

In the fast-paced world of Infinity Kingdom, every second counts, and sometimes, speed is the name of the game. Enter Speed Blessing, a skill that gives your immortals a burst of swiftness right when they need it most. Imagine flipping the switch on a turbo boost in the heat of battle, giving your team the edge to strike first and hard. But is this blessing a guaranteed shortcut to victory, or just a quick thrill with limited mileage? Let's dive into the mechanics, uses, and best strategies for Speed Blessing to see how it can make or break your battle strategies.

What is Speed Blessing? Turbocharging Your Immortals


Ever wish your immortals could go full throttle from the start? Speed Blessing might be the boost you are looking for.

Effect: Speed Blessing increases the attack speed of the targeted immortal by a significant margin, allowing them to perform basic attacks more frequently for the first 12 seconds of battle. This acceleration can lead to more rapid energy gain, speeding up the activation of ultimate skills and potentially allowing your immortals to outpace and overwhelm the enemy before they can react.

Pros: Provides a quick advantage at the start of battles, boosting the chances of landing the first hits and generating energy for ultimate skills faster. 

Cons: The effect will last 12 seconds, making it a short-lived boost that requires precise timing and planning to allow this skill to work for your march.

How Does It Impact Enemy Units? Disrupting Opponents' Rhythm

Speed is power—but how does that affect your enemies?

How it Impacts Enemy Units: It accelerates your units, Speed Blessing indirectly disrupts the enemy's rhythm. It will force them to deal with a faster onslaught than they might be prepared for. This can cause specific enemy units to falter under the pressure of rapid attacks, potentially leading to early breaks in their formation or strategy.

Best Scenarios: Speed Blessing shines in situations where the early momentum is crucial—such as in PvP battles where quick, decisive action can catch an opponent off guard. It is beneficial in PvE scenarios where fast energy gain can help you unleash powerful skills early, dealing significant damage or control effects before the enemy can fully respond.

Pros: The skill, Forces opponents to adapt quickly, potentially causing mistakes or inefficient responses.

Cons: The short duration means enemies only need to withstand the initial burst, so it's not a long-term solution.

Example: Speed blessing used on Zenobia, it allows for phys dmg skills to be placed on Immortals who’d benefit. This Build is good on Gnomes, but will need tweaks to work for Bosses beyond lvl10.

Best Immortals to Use with Speed Blessing: Who Thrives in the Fast Lane?


Not all immortals handle speed equally—so who's in pole position for Speed Blessing?

Optimal Immortals: Speed Blessing works well on immortals who benefit from rapid basic attacks and quick energy regeneration. Immortals like Yi Sun-sin, who relies on his ultimate for heavy damage, can benefit significantly from Speed Blessing to unleash his skills faster. Tomyris, with her high basic attack rate, can also capitalise on the benefits of this skill by piling on damage quickly. 

Versatility: While it's particularly effective on attack-speed-reliant immortals, Speed Blessing can generally be helpful on any immortal that benefits from quicker ultimate activations, making it a somewhat versatile skill in various compositions.

Pros: Amplifies the strengths of fast-attacking immortals and can be a game-changer in early skirmishes.  

Cons: May be less effective on tanks or support units that don't rely heavily on basic attacks for their impact.


Timing and Usage: Making Every Second Count

With Speed Blessing, timing is everything—but how do you make those 12 seconds truly count?

Strategic Timing: Since Speed Blessing only lasts 12 seconds, players should be strategic about when to deploy it. It is effectively used at the onset of battle or during critical moments when an immediate surge in attack speed can tilt the balance. Coordination with other skills and abilities is essential. Pairing Speed Blessing with buffs or debuffs that enhance damage will maximise its short-lived effect.

Considerations: Overloading a march with Speed Blessing is often counterproductive due to its brief duration. It's more effective as a targeted and tactical tool than a broad strategy. Focus on using it to support high-impact, fast-acting immortals rather than as a blanket buff. A good example would be for a Gnome March:

Pros: provide a sharp tactical advantage when used at the right moment. 

Cons: Misuse or poor timing can result in wasted potential, leaving the immortal without its benefits when needed most.


Conclusion: Speed Blessing—A High-Risk, High-Reward Gamble?

Speed Blessing offers a potent, albeit fleeting, advantage that can accelerate your march to victory—if used correctly. Its benefits will be realised when paired with the right immortals and deployed at the right moments. This, will disrupt your enemy's strategy and capitalise on rapid energy gain. However, its brief duration means it is not a one-size-fits-all solution and requires careful planning to avoid falling short. As with any tool in your arsenal, understanding when and how to use Speed Blessing is important. It will turn those precious seconds into a winning edge on the battlefield. I think it is important to remember, that Blessing skills are specific target-based skills. Also, while they can work in PvP scenario, you will. more likely find them being used for PvE, for example, Infernal Camps, Titantula, Gnomes and Bosses. When forming your long-term game strategy and focusing on your main march, these skills may not be your primary ones to acquire. However, I think the Elite Blessing Skills still has a role to play, especially for F2P. Planning is paramout!!






