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WxC and Choso meet again in the fourth round of Alliance Conquest

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 04/20/2024 20:07

After two straight wins to recover from a devastating loss, FuK has rediscovered their winning ways once more, and excitement for the fourth round of the 18th season of Alliance Conquest is growing once again. Their confidence was more easily restored thanks to winning a lot of their games the previous season, which allowed them to defeat all opponents but the tough WxC. The FuK fighters were inspired by this, giving them hope for a triumph over their opponents today and entry into the Ultimate Conquest, the competition that all alliances aspire to participate in. Choso was one of these incredibly motivated fighters; he wasn't particularly strong, but he was good at racing, so it was something the alliance could use. It wasn't much, but he thought it was something they would need if they wanted to achieve big achievements.

In Alliance Conquest, two factions, Lannister and Targaryen, fight for control of Casterly Rock and other key buildings such as Ports, Outposts and Mines. This season has brought changes to the event as we knew it. Holding certain combinations of buildings would bring about better buffs for the whole alliance. Choso's opponents find themselves on the Lannister side, a position earned through their ranking. The alliance ranked above earns the Lannister side, whilst the side with less points assumes the Targaryen side. As FuK aim for another convincing campaign and to secure a spot in the top 16 in order to participate in Ultimate Conquest, they are led by Mariner37. He is a seasoned leader, who earned everyone's respect through his achievements of uniting everyone towards a single goal.

Choso is looking forward to the fight on the day of the match because he thinks FuK might use this bout as motivation to advance to the Ultimate Conquest. The alliance had a good chance of defeating everyone they faced; the main danger came from WxC, but they hoped to avoid seeing them again because, having already faced off in the first round, they would be able to do so in the fourth. FuK would have to win their fifth and sixth rounds by a wide margin if the odds were against them, which was a risky move. Choso's job was now crucial to guaranteeing FuK's perfect trip towards Ultimate Conquest; if he could take control of the buildings first, they would gain bonus points and the ability to let whomever they wanted inside. He was under pressure to perform his job to the best of his skills regardless of the situation, and his high level of anticipation and enthusiasm for what was ahead transcended this pressure.

Once he arrived to the wooden and old Alliance Hall where announcements were always made, Mariner37 quickly reveals their opponent, with a disheartened look on his face. Their fear has come true as WxC was revealed to be their opponent. This made clear that FuK stood no chance at winning the contest, but they needed to perform well in order to combat the potential difficulties aiming their way in the future. Now Choso's role was more important than ever, having to get every building he can in order to ensure all of the points possible. Given everyone's reaction of being sad and disheartened at this sight, Choso chose to give 120% of his potential in order to restore the faith of everyone, but overall, it seemed that they all had the same consensus. The match was basically over before it began, they just had to complete their jobs of winning races to secure some points.

With the opponent and plans revealed, preparations were now complete, the fighters embarked on the battle, being sure of their defeat to come and what was to come in the following rounds, at least when it comes to their needs. Their chances at Ultimate Conquest were going to be shallow should they fail to get at least 30k points. A feat that they were unable to reach the last time the two sides have collided. The atmosphere now, despite the two wins in-between the matches of FuK and WxC, represented the exact same as in the first round. It did not matter how much closer to Ultimate Conquest FuK was, they were still very much demoralised. The beautiful surroundings were not helping them in the slightest on the road towards Casterly Rock.

When they reached the battlefield, the numbers of their opponents was just as overwhelming as the first time, with 87 armies ready to take on FuK's 79. FuK's army has improved its numbers considerably since last time, but it raised the question if it will be enough. A big numerical advantage was a difference maker in many matches, so it will be complicated to reach the 30k. However, this motivated Choso to race even more for all that he was assigned to.

As the battle begins, Choso was not assigned to race towards any initial building, as Mariner37 wanted to preserve his energy for Casterly Rock. Although Choso thought he would not need the rest, he followed the orders to the dot, as he trusted his leader's decision. The races went pretty badly for FuK, who struggled to win more than 1 building. However, that one building was won by a strong player, with the right reinforcements and healing, Mariner37 hoped they could hold it for a few minutes.

Before the initial buildings lost their bubbles, Mariner37 also prepared slow marches in case the races do not go accordingly. Many of them were too early or missed the swap, which was unfortunate as WxC secured both Outposts. However, on Warrior, there seemed to have been a miscommunication between the WxC forces after their slow march bounced off. This led to FuK capturing the building that was left alone.

Now FuK had 2 buildings, but probably not for long, as WxC started rallies onto the mother. They timed them really well, arriving before the ports could even open up. The FuK forces lacked reinforcements, making them lose the building in an unfortunate outcome for them.

After losing the mother, there was no time to waste on being disappointed, the ports unlocked, and Choso was going to race for the closest port to the FuK hive. He was highly motivated to bring points for his team, but he also was aware of how hard the task at hand is going to be. He was going to try his best, but as the buildings unlocked, he missed the start, and WxC got both of the ports with rally leaders, it was an impossible task to kick them out of there now, they didn't need any swaps.

This outcome started a long wait for Casterly Rock to unlock. It was only a few minutes, but for Choso it felt like an eternity waiting for it all to pass. The pressure was immense, and he had to handle all of it. A normal racer would back out of it in an instant, but Choso would never betray his leader's plan. He was going to follow it with everything he's got like he mentioned before.

The bubble on Casterly Rock has now dropped, Choso and every other racer is going for Casterly Rock at an alarming pace for the enemy, but it was in the end Choso who has won it. He managed to outspeed everyone and secure the building.

Now Choso was awaiting orders from Mariner37, about how he was going to proceed. Seeing what happened to the Mother, it was clear to mariner that it would be a dangerous task to disband and put anyone else inside the building. Thus he asked Choso to keep it for the whole time it was bubbled. Only once the bubble was dropped, he was supposed to discard the building.

Choso followed the orders exactly like Mariner37 wanted, leading them to reach above the 30k points target that they had set for themselves. This was a satisfying result for them that could bring the alliance forward towards Ultimate Conquest. This was a testament to Choso once more, that he made the right choice to listen to his strategist, as he always knew best. Now two more rounds await FuK, both of them must be won if they wish to attend the tournament of the best alliances, will they be able to do it?
