Dear Lords and Ladies,
We will have an update at around 03:00 AM (GMT) on Apr 18th to fix a few bugs and make several improvements on the Public Server. The server maintenance will last for 4 hours.
During the maintenance, you will be unable to enter the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will send compensation via mail after the maintenance.
Have fun and prepare for the winter!
Here are the contents of this update:
1. New Content
- Added New Commander “Vorian”.
- Added special weapon for Commander “Sansa”.
- Added "Dragon Skill Preset" feature in the dragon skill menu. Royal Lords and Ladies can preset and switch between different dragon skill sets depending on the situation.
2. Improvements
- Improved operation flow of “Lost Realm” in Alliance Trial.
- A halo will be displayed around the Big-scaled enemy in “Lost Realm” to display the enemies’ selectable area.
3. All-Out War Related Improvements
- Added Icon display of Logistic Troops and gathering sites to indicate their status.
- Added confirm window for declared war to “Dragon Valley”.
- Added search option for “Twin Dragon Guards”.
- Adjusted color for some of the factions and it will be easier to distinguish from another.
- Added menu to manage Troops in Custody due to cancel of rallies.
- Added Status display of various buildings, and added countdown timer for buildings currently being upgraded.
- Added “Twin Dragon Daily” feature, which will show Royal Lords and Ladies the important events that happened on the All-Out War battlefield in the previous day.
GoT Winter is Coming Team