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**Serious Weirwood bug/hack issue and developer's just ignore it**

General Discussion
Article Publish : 04/08/2024 13:46

I posted the bug/hack of Weirwood today. Some players cleared very high stages of Weirwood with very low power commanders.

But developer's just denied it. They said it is just a display issue.

They said "It may be a display issue. And, when they say a display issue, it is probably taking someone else's formation from a different level and placing it on this Level 246. Obviously, we want the correct formations to appear here."

If this is true, then it means v0iCeHOFF cleared this stage with Robb, Chris, Haley, Arya, Sheila, and Varys, which have at most 57 levels because his lord's current level is only 57.

Wow. he cleared 246 level (Night king level) with those at most 57 levels basic commanders only in '11 seconds'.

If developers are interested in this game, they must know that it is impossible to clear this level with 57 levels basic commanders.

They are not interested in this game. They are not interested in solving the issue and bug.

I think the mechanism is that they change the code for Weirwood so that if all the commanders are died, instead of losing(defeat), it's gonna winnning. Then it makes sense.

Developers can check v0iCeHOFF & Lil Kazz clear stages and their lord level.

We know that it is not possible to clear extremely high level stages like 290 stage unless reaching lord level 60.

But developers don't try to check it because they are not interested in this game.

They are only interested in earning money from players.
