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Gift Codes [Halloween-Thanksgiving-Anniversary-Christmas 2023]

News & Annoucements
Article Publish : 12/05/2023 17:05
Edited by silvermistr at 12/05/2023 22:25

Dear Players,

Thank you so much for your patience. My requests got through, so you all get gift codes for the late Halloween and Thanksgiving. As I mentioned in my previous post, there was no gift code during last Thanksgiving, but this year, the devs said okay. Gift codes for LOA's 10th Anniversary and Christmas are also added. Lastly, I'm aware that I can't make everyone happy, so feel free to skip the codes. I should not say this but I'd rather not see it being called trash just because you are not happy with the contents. Thank you so much for your support!!

Have a lovely day! 😊

  • LOA1HALLOW2023

  • LOA1TGIV2023

  • LOA1ANNIV2023

  • LOA1XMAS2023
