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[Analysis] Pirate Festival Cost vs. Value Analysis

Guide Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 09/18/2023 16:11


The Pirate Festival started this week and so I will be taking a closer look at the cost of completing the event, its value, and whether players should do or skip this event.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Daily Rewards
  • Daily Tasks
  • Missions and Bounty
  • Ocean of the Dead
  • Cost vs. Value
  • Conclusion


The pirate event is a seasonal annual event that gives rewards like frames and chatboxes. In the past, the Bon Voyage skin was obtainable. This year, there are new designs for the frame and chatbox so for collectors, this is a must do event.

Daily Rewards

The event provides daily sign in rewards to the tune of 5 Explosive Cannonballs, 300 gems, one 8-hour bubble, and three philosopher stones.

Daily Tasks

There are daily tasks you can do filled with objectives like train troops, do well of time 50 times, summon immortals, and the likes for rewards that include 5 Athena shards per day. The tasks are only available for the day and will not be accessible once the next day begins. All tasks must be completed to obtain the reward. In my opinion, the speedups and AP needed to complete these tasks are not worth it unless you are building Athena or have speedups and AP to use.

Missions and Bounty

There are tasks where you can send immortals on missions that meet the elemental requirements and tasks where you have to kill gnome camps. The rewards for completing these missions and tasks are cannonball crafting materials and various speedups. Each task and mission provides stars that accumulate. Once the stars reach a certain threshold, you can claim rewards that include cannonballs, cannonball crafting materials, and speedups. Tasks can be refreshed every hour for free or for 20 gems.

Ocean of the Dead

There are two types of cannonballs, Explosive and Solid. Every shot has 25% chance of dealing double damage. Solid Shots deal 20 damage so statistically the expected value for a Solid Shot is (0.25) (40) + (0.75) (20) = 25 damage. Explosive Shots deal 50 damage so the expected value is (0.25) (100) + (0.75) (50) = 62.5 damage on average. Every Explosive Shot is worth 2.5 Solid Shots. Since every Explosive Shot is worth 100 gems, we can extrapolate that every Solid Shot is worth 40 gems.


1 – 50 HP – One Explosive Shot or two Solid Shots

2 – 70 HP – One Explosive Shot and one Solid Shot

3 – 90 HP – One Explosive Shot and two Solid Shots

4 – 110 HP – One Explosive Shot and two Solid Shots

5 – 130 HP – Two Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

6 – 150 HP – Two Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

7 – 170 HP – Two Explosive Shots and two Solid Shots

8 –  200 HP – Three Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

9 – 230 HP – Three Explosive Shots and two Solid Shots

10 – 260 HP – Four Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

11 – 290 HP – Four Explosive Shots and two Solid Shots

12 – 320 HP – Five Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

13 –  360 HP – Five Explosive Shots and two Solid Shots

14 – 400 HP – Six Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

15 – 450 HP – Seven Explosive Shots and one Solid Shot

16 – 500 HP – Eight Explosive Shots

17+ – 550 HP – Eight Explosive Shots and 2 Solid Shots

If you are trying to maximize damage and minimize cost by using both types of cannonballs, level 1 to 17 will cost about 55 Explosive Shots (5,500 gems) and 20 Solid Shots (800 gems), totaling 6,300 gems, on average. From level 17 onwards, every level will take, on average, eight Explosive Shots and two Solid Shots. That means after level 16, it will take roughly 880 gems per level, totaling 21,120 gems. Altogether you will spend about 27,420 gems.

If you use all Explosive Shots from the start, level 1 to level 17 will cost approximately 69 shots or roughly 6,900 gems and 17 onwards will cost 24,000 gems, totaling around 30,900 gems on average to finish the event.

The difference is about 3,500 gems.

Cost vs. Value

For calculating the value of the Ocean of the Dead event, I will only consider gems, philosopher stones, and speedups (converted to their gem value) since most players won’t care about a few resource items.

For the free path, you’d get 400 gems, 7 philosopher stones (roughly 2,100 gems based on their cost), and four 1-hour speedups (280 gems or roughly 70 gems each based on market prices) for a total of 2,780 gems of value.

For the 3,500 gem path, you’d get 1,600 gems, 12 philosopher stones (roughly 3,600 gems), and four 3-hour speedups (1,080 gems), totaling around 6,280 gems of value without including the exclusive artifact chest you would also get.

For the $20 path, you’d get 18 philosopher stones (5,400 gem value) and ten 3-hour speedups (2,700 gems value), totaling 8,100 gems. You would also get the frame, chatbox, exclusive artifact chest for Alex, and 60 chests for light and dark immortals pieces.


This is a costly event that may not yield value for a lot of players. How much the event is worth really depends on what items you want and what you are willing to spend. For example, I recognize that for some, philosopher stones are worthless for them because they have so many and have maxed all their skills already and for others, the light and dark selection chests are also worthless if they are not building holy or shadow marches. It is also tough to place a number value on things like the frame or the chatbox but they also have some intrinsic value for some players. Overall, this is a great event with some new items that players can enjoy.

Do you think the event is worth doing? What do you want most from the event? Let me know down in the comments below!


Version 2.6.2

Related Links

Infinity Kingdom Official Website




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