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Siren Gaze:

Article Publish : 07/22/2024 09:45
Edited by honors at 07/23/2024 00:28


Siren Gaze in Action: Mastering the Control Skill in PvP Scenarios

Imagine immobilising your fiercest opponents with a single skill, rendering them helpless as your team seizes the upper hand. This is the power of Siren Gaze, in Infinity Kingdom. But will it remain just a theory, or could it become a practical skill? Let's grab a cup of coffee and explore the enchanting world of Siren Gaze.



 In the high-stakes world of PvP battles in Infinity Kingdom, strategic use of control skills could determine the outcome of a fight. Siren Gaze is one such skill that could turn the tide by 'charming' enemy units, making them unable to act. This article delves into the mechanics of Siren Gaze, its impact within a march, and how it could be effective in PvP scenarios.


Mechanics of Siren Gaze

Siren Gaze is a control skill, that applies a charm effect on enemy units, for example, Taunt. When activated, it targets specific enemy units and prevents them from taking any actions for a duration. This charm effect effectively removes those units from the fight temporarily, providing a crucial window of opportunity for your team to act.

  • Activation: Siren Gaze is triggered during battle when the skill conditions are met. It doesn't require manual activation, making it seamless to use within a march.
  • Effect Duration: The Charm effect lasts for a set number of seconds, during which the affected enemy units cannot attack, use skills, or generate energy.
  • Targeting: The skill typically targets high-threat enemy units, such as those with powerful damage-dealing or disruptive abilities.

Maximising the Effectiveness of Siren Gaze

 How do you make the most of Siren Gaze on the battlefield? By, synergising the skill with the right Immortals and skills.

  • Skill Synergy: Pair Siren Gaze with other control skills to create a lockdown effect on the enemy.
  • Use healing or defensive buffs to keep your frontline Immortals alive while they charm enemies.
  • Team Composition: Ensure your backline has high damage output to capitalise on the windows of opportunity created by Siren Gaze.
  • Mix in debuff skills from the Tower of Knowledge to weaken enemies further and make them more susceptible to charm effects.



Influence in a PvP Scenario

 How can you tilt the battlefield in your favour? By leveraging Siren Gaze to control your enemies.

 In PvP battles, Siren Gaze can be a game-changer. Here's how it influences the battlefield:

  • Neutralizing Key Threats: By charming high-priority targets, such as enemy damage dealers or controllers, Siren Gaze prevents them from executing their roles effectively. It is a control skill that will taunt its enemies. It reduces the immediate threat to your team and allows your Immortals to focus on other enemies.
  • Creating Openings: The temporary incapacitation of enemy units creates opportunities for your team to strike hard. This is especially crucial in timed battles where every second counts.
  • Disrupting Strategies: In PvP, opponents often rely on well-coordinated strategies. Siren Gaze can disrupt these plans by removing key units from the equation, forcing your opponent to adapt on the fly.


An example of an immortal that could be paired with Siren Gaze & ToK skill Life Link…why because Arthur has engraved Life Link in his Ultimate skill. Why isn’t this Immortal used? It is a 2/5 tier Immortal, it is defensive with low % of Dmg output and while will defend against physical dmg it isn’t as strong against Mages. In theory should work, but in practice there are more complex interchanges at work, that render Siren Gaze last to be picked, in PvP.

Integration within a March


How do you seamlessly weave Siren Gaze into your battle strategy? By understanding its synergy with your march composition.


To maximise, the effectiveness of Siren Gaze within a march, it's essential to integrate it with the right Immortals and skills:


  • Immortal Synergy: Pair Siren Gaze with Immortals who can capitalise on the temporary advantage it provides. For example:
  • Richard I: His tanking ability can keep the enemy focused on him while Siren Gaze neutralises key threats.
  • El Cid: Known for his control skills, combining his abilities with Siren Gaze can create a formidable control setup.
  • Khan: His high damage output can be unleashed effectively while enemy units are charmed and unable to retaliate.


Strategic Application in PvP


Ready to outsmart your opponents? Here's how to deploy Siren Gaze strategically in PvP.


  • Identify Key Targets: Before the battle, assess your opponent's lineup to identify high-priority targets for Siren Gaze.
  • Coordinate Skills: Ensure that other skills in your march complement Siren Gaze. For instance, pairing it with debuffs or damage-boosting skills can amplify its impact.
  • Timing and Execution: While you can't control the exact timing of Siren Gaze, understanding its mechanics allows you to anticipate its activation and plan your moves accordingly.


This skill will work on front-line Immortals, which are either Offensive or Defensive. Depending on your playstyle or scenario, you might want high damage or defence and this will determine the skills you could use, for example, Toxin Barrier or Life Link.


Conclusion: Mastering Siren Gaze


So, is Siren Gaze worth your investment? Let's weigh the pros and cons. 

Additionally, it is worth exploring how in practice Siren Gaze is used in IK.

Siren Gaze, has potential in theory, but, in practice, it is not considered as a go-to skill for a first march. Typically, used on a 3rd March and generally in ToS PvP scenarios.


  • Effective Control: Siren Gaze can neutralise key threats, providing a significant tactical advantage.
  • Strategic Flexibility: It integrates well with various Immortal combinations, offering diverse strategic options.
  • Disruption Capability: It can disrupt enemy strategies, forcing opponents to adapt mid-battle.



  • Complex Synergy: Finding the optimal combination of skills and Immortals to maximise Siren Gaze can be challenging.
  • Dependent on Activation: As a passive skill, its impact relies on its timely activation during the battle.
  • Timing and RNG: As a passive skill, its activation timing can be unpredictable.


 In summary, Siren Gaze is a powerful control skill in the Infinity Kingdom that, when used effectively, can turn the tide of PvP battles. By understanding its mechanics and integrating it strategically within your march, you can leverage its charm effect to outmanoeuvre your opponents and secure victory. Players are willing to experiment and find the right synergies, Siren Gaze offers a unique and potent tool in their arsenal.

Although Siren Gaze may be out of reach for some, or used experimentally by others, there may be scope in the future for this skill to make its way to the first march. Let's see how the current Meta marches work out and whether Siren Gaze will reach Top Tier Skills status. Watch this space.


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