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Cleopatra Queen of the Nile

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Article Publish : 09/23/2022 04:11
Edited by pyakia at 09/23/2022 04:12

Cleopatra VII Queen of The Nile

She was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt from 51 to 30 BC, and its last active ruler. A member of the Ptolemaic dynasty, she was a descendant of its founder Ptolemy I Soter, a Macedonian Greek general and companion of Alexander the Great.

She was born in January 69 BC, in Alexandria the city built by Alexander the Great as the Capital of Ancient Egypt, and the cultural center in antiquity with the famous library of Alexandria full of many literary works in an unprecedented structure.

she was able to speak around 7 - 8 languages

she was the first in her family to speak the Egyptian Language

Cleopatra Began to rule Egypt at the age of 17 after the death of her father according to tradition she married her brother Ptolemy the 13th who at the time was only 13 years old sometime after Cleopatra became the queen of Egypt

Roman propaganda painted Cleopatra as a debauched temptress who used her sex appeal as a political weapon, but she may have been more renowned for her intellect than her appearance. She spoke as many as a dozen languages and was educated in mathematics, philosophy, oratory and astronomy, and Egyptian sources later described her as a ruler “who elevated the ranks of scholars and enjoyed their company.” There’s also evidence that Cleopatra wasn’t as physically striking as once believed. Coins with her portrait show her with manly features and a large, hooked nose, though some historians contend that she intentionally portrayed herself as masculine as a display of strength. For his part, the ancient writer Plutarch claimed that Cleopatra’s beauty was “not altogether incomparable,” and that it was instead her mellifluous speaking voice and “irresistible charm” that made her so desirable.

her achievements made her the lover of 2 of the most famous Roman General of her time " Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony"

her brother and husband Ptolemy the 13th began to take an interest in ruling the country without the intervention of his sister, Pothanus, Akilos and Theodotus of Kios are three important advisors to the young king agreed to this idea to persuade the young man to break with Cleopatra

and she died in August 10, 30 BC in Alexandria.

all information and pictures are from WIKI

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