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Update Notice Jun 23rd

News & Announcements
Article Publish : 06/22/2022 15:58
Edited by handoftheking at 06/23/2022 14:27

Dear Lords and Ladies,

We will have an update at around 03:00 AM (GMT) on Jun 23rd to fix a few bugs and make several improvements on Public Server. The server maintenance will last for 4 hours. During the maintenance, you will be unable to enter the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will send compensation via mail after the maintenance.

Have fun and prepare for the winter!

Here are the contents of this update:

1.New Features

- Added a new item that is only available for speeding up specific Researches.

- Added a new mine in “Fiery Crystal Mine” Events.

2. Improvements

- Improved red dot mechanics in some screen of Dragon Isle.

- Improved ease of use for the Resource Transport feature.

- Improved some other game experience and GUI.

3.Bug Fixes

- Fixed delayed troop resurrection for “Lord of Light’s Revival” themed “War of the Kingdoms” event.

- Fixed issue that when Sheila and Soren were sent for gathering, the bonus shows correctly but the gather timer is not updated.

- Fixed issue that Drill Officer Title in Champion City Siege not providing the correct bonus.

- Fixed some other issues.

GoT Winter is Coming Team
