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[Historical Story] Trajan: The Princeps Senatus

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Article Publish : 06/19/2022 20:16
Edited by ik_tea at 06/19/2022 23:54

Hey, what's up! Tea is here!


I hope you are having a great weekend!

Welcome back to my Historical Story of Immortals!

Today, in this forum I'll show history about:

~Trajan: The Princeps Senatus~


Trajan: The Princeps Senatus is one of the most recent Immortals to be released by the Infinity Kingdom. He is a Fire-type Immortal who served as a frontliner. This Immortal can only be obtained if you have completed season 3 in Legion of Frostborne. There are not many owners of this Immortal.

The Begin of Story

Marble Statue of Trajan: The Princeps Senatus

Photograph: Kenneth Garrett

Trajan, a powerful military commander born in Spain, was very good to his imperial subjects—but woe betide those who opposed him.

The era of the Five Good Emperors occurred during a period of turmoil in the history of the Roman Empire. Instead of being chosen through dynastic succession, these five rulers were chosen and trained by their predecessors to ensure smooth and peaceful power transitions. Emperor Trajan (reigned 98–117 AD) was the only one to receive the title Optimus, or "best." Trajan not only expanded the Roman Empire's borders to their greatest extent, but he also governed with uncommon benevolence and generosity toward his subjects.

War History

Marble From Trajan Column; Dacians and Roman War

Photograph: Kenneth Garrett

Trajan expanded the civilization's extend throughout Mesopotamia beyond the Persian Gulf, but his campaign against the Dacians is better remembered. The Dacians raided Roman frontier towns frequently from their realm in modern-day Romania. In 103 A.D., Trajan signed a peace treaty with Decebalus, the Dacian king, to end a two-year incursion into Dacia. The Dacians, on the other hand, made the mistake of breaking the treaty very quickly.

The War and Expansion

Trajan's and Dacians War Map

Source: National Geography

The Dacian Wars were a major victory for Rome and its armies. Trajan declared 123 days of festivities across the Empire. Dacia's rich gold mines were secured, and it is estimated that Dacia contributed 700 million Denarii per year to the Roman economy, financing Rome's future campaigns and assisting with the rapid expansion of Roman towns throughout Europe. The ruins of mining activities can still be seen, particularly in Roşia Montană. To deter potential revolts, legions XIII Gemina and V Macedonica were conducting operations in Dacia. The conquered half of Dacia was annexed and turned into a province, while the northern half remained free but never formed a state.

The wars were remarkable victories in Rome's extensive expansionist campaigns, earning Trajan the admiration and support of the people. The end of the Dacian Wars signaled the start of a period of sustained growth and relative peace in Rome. Trajan began large-scale construction projects and was so prolific in claiming credit that he earned the nickname Ivy. Trajan ascended to become an honorable civil leader, improving Rome's civic infrastructure and paving the way for internal growth and Empire-wide reinforcement.

Last Words

Trajan is the newest Immortal, and he quickly establishes himself as an Immortal shieldman due to his bravery and took the front line. During the war with Dacian, who represents himself in the Infinity Kingdom game, he also has ambitions that ignite like fire.


[1] Salmon, E. T. (1936). Trajan's conquest of Dacia. In Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (Vol. 67, pp. 83-105). Johns Hopkins University Press, American Philological Association.

[2] Bennett, J. (2003). Trajan: optimus princeps. Routledge.

[3] Schmitz, M. (2005). The Dacian Threat, 101-106 AD (Vol. 1). Caeros Pty Ltd.

[4] Wheeler, E. L. (2011). Rome's Dacian Wars: Domitian, Trajan, and Strategy on the Danube, Part II. Journal of Military History75(1).

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