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Tales from the past AC S10 BDR vs 9mm – Total Annihilation

General Discussion Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 06/12/2022 07:54
Edited by ibrandul at 06/12/2022 08:01

“Ok, for this one you should know one thing first, son, … it was not a match, it was a slaughter.” Hector said. Then he began his recall of the events.

“It was the match against 9mm. Before that we were told that it would be an easy match, most likely. At that time we did not know how true that would be.

We got all buildings besides the Tower of the Warrior when the first buildings opened.

To be fair, we took every other building first. They did not stand a chance.

I won’t tell you about how excellent BDR had been that night. I won’t tell you what our strategy was or why we won.

What I will tell you is how we took the Tower of the Warrior!”

All the troops had gathered. The marches would soon begin. Hector had been in the back of his army. As they marched from their castles, Hector checked his surroundings. There were soldiers everywhere. As far as he could see there were shining armors but besides the Lords, no one was on horseback.

When the Tower came into sight, I could already imagine the faces of our enemies. Seeing all those troops on their way to them … I was sure they were putting on the brown pants already… I would, in their stead.

What we did not see where their reinforcements though. They had at least as many soldiers as we did. And they came prepared too.

Whoever said he wanted to die in glorious battle … was a fool. I always wanted to die in my bed, after a long and fulfilling life.

Anyway, we where marching towards the Tower, awaiting the rain of arrows while we approached.

As we got into range, the orderly ranks broke. Everyone of us wanted to be the first to glory. While the ranks broke, the overall marching structure kept in sync though. It was scary and beautiful at the same time.

With loud roars we stormed to the walls, ladders ready. This would not be a long siege. We would get in, kick them out and then finally hoist our flag.

The first soldiers climbed the ladders and soon were stabbed. Ladders were shoved away, some soldiers fell to their temporary death. While there was no real risk of dying, the pain was real.

I felt for them. I shuddered as I heard their bones break, when they hit the ground. Soon though the first soldiers were fighting on the walls. It would only be a short time, till the gates would open and all of our armies would stream into the tower grounds … we would be the great tide cleansing the place.

The gates opened and finally the fighting began. I soon fell into a steady rhythm of stabbing and getting back behind cover. That’s what we needed the Infantry for. Poor sods … if only they knew that they were only meat shields. There was a reason, why the soldiers chosen for Infantry were not the brightest candles.

We gained more and more ground. Even with their reinforcements it looked really good for us.

At some point my spear broke. I had to take out my dagger. Not something you want in a skirmish. For a moment I thought about falling back, but the soldiers behind me pressed on. There was only one way to go … ahead, into the sea of enemies.

The soldier in front of me slipped and for a few seconds I saw the enemies clearly. Worse, they saw the opening. Before they could act, another soldier closed the opening. Still everyone was shoving each other forward. I did not look down, when we moved forward. The soldier that had slipped did not get back up again. Most likely trampled down … but there had been not time to help him up.

The ground got more and more slippery with all the blood. Bodies were grounded, pulped … and I was getting closer and closer to the first line.

I felt my muscles burn. I tried to stab someone with my dagger but got shoved to the side. I nearly lost my balance. Only holding on to the man beside me saved me from falling and being dragged under the wave of bodies following us every step. We all knew that falling was a sure death sentence at this point.

I don’t remember how I got to the side, near the wall. The pressure here was as bad but I could slowly fall back. Was it heroic? No, but it was sensible. The Seven might keep us from dying … but getting trampled was not far up on my list.

I let more and more other soldiers push ahead of me. I fell back, as good as I could. Without a real weapon I was worthless anyway. Even trying to get a weapon from a fallen soldier was not an option. There was simply no room to grab one … and especially with a spear … you never knew if someone was standing on a part from it.

No, I had to get further back.

At some point I was pushed into an alcove on the side. It had been the first time that I felt at least a bit relieve since the attack had started.

I realized that those close quarter combats were not something I appreciated. Then again … there was no choice. Fight or die. Follow orders or die. And deserters would not get the blessing of the Seven … hopefully.

Soon after I got pushed in the alcove … I did not leave it for quite some time … I heard the shouts of victory. For a moment I was not sure, it came from far ahead. Was it my side?

The sounds grew louder, came nearer and finally the soldiers beside me started to repeat the shouts. We had won. We had taken the Tower.

I felt the relieve. I felt the calm after a hard battle.

As our soldiers started to march back, I was in one of the first groups to leave the Tower. And I was glad for it. Just imagine being one of the last … having to see all the destruction, all the dead bodies … all the wounded …

No, I was in the right spot. I was no hero. I was alive … and I would stay alive!

Here are a few fight scenes from the match :)
