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VIP Points disappeared from Kingdom Celebration Event :(

Suggestions Forum suggestion
Article Publish : 04/25/2022 11:01


Whilst I certainly welcome the addition of Honour banners as an option in the Kingdom Celebration Event shop, I'm extremely frustrated by the disappearance of VIP points - I've been playing for 3 years and it seems I've been stuck at VIP14 forever! It's currently going to take just over 2 years' worth of daily login points to reach VIP15 :(

I realise this time frame can be accelerated by achieving points required for daily/elite/normal challenges and by purchasing for alliance coins, but after contributing maximum (point compensated) number of helps, this only equates to another 100 points /day - and they cost too many diamonds to be a viable option for me.

It would be great if both Honour banners AND VIP points could be available in the next event please? Alternatively, any chance of an event to swap my now redundant (few thousand) fiery essence please? Or to swap some of my (7M) useless 'lord experience point' items?

Not sure what others may think; I tried to set a vote but keep getting a (what I assume to be error) message in characters I cannot recognise to be able to replicate for an online translation...grrr lol!


Pixie :D
