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[Event] Anniversary Celebration Event

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Article Publish : 02/20/2022 07:28


Howdy Infinity Kingdom community, today we will take a look at the event that came out to celebrate Infinity Kingdom's one year anniversary. In this article we will go through each phase of the event, strategies to maximize your gains, best rewards to obtain, special packs offered, and which ones have the highest value.

Anniversary Celebration

This is the first phase of the event, where players are giving tasks to accomplish every day of the event, up to five days. Every day these tasks are divided in three categories, and each will have a different set of rewards, these tasks can be accomplish in any day of the event, from the first to last day. For example, the first day offers players consecutive logins rewards tasks, armed troops and summon immortals tasks. The rewards will be different for each category, and they will be very generous, you can even get 'Anniversary Coins' that can be used to exchange gifts with other players as well. As you accomplish task you also accumulate points for extra rewards at specific milestones: 100, 300, 500, 700 and 900, which will reward players with optional resource chests, Metallic Powder, and boosting items, and in the last tier players are going to receive an extra 5 Anniversary Coins that can be exchanged in the Long Live Friendship section of the event.

Sweetness Guardian

This is a very cool mini-game where the player can send his immortals to accomplish missions that are going to provide great rewards and points that are going to unlock speedups, Metallic Powder and boosting items. You will also receive missions to send your troops to fight gnome camps across the map, and they won't cause any troops losses, you just need to be able to win the fight to accomplish the mission.

Happy Land

These section of the event offers special gift to players for their actions in game, such as gathering resources across Norheim, collecting resources in their territory, defeating gnomes and also defeating bosses. The rewards are going to be Anniversary Chests, and players are going to get either a Metallic Powder or a Colorful Shredding, and randomly 10,000 Food, Wood, Stone or Iron.

Firework Master and Firework Party

In the Firework Master phase, players are going to utilize Metallic Powder and Colorful Shredding to craft 'Streams of Firework', you can also buy them for 50 gems each. Once you obtained your fireworks, you can now go to the Fireworks Party and press the 'Streams of Fireworks' button to activate them, and then unlock some amazing rewards. There are going to be three tiers of rewards, one is for free, and it will provide the same items than the other 2 tiers, but in lower quantities, except for the final rewards, which is the 'Dazzling Sparkle' nameplate. The second tier is unlocked with 3500 gems, and players are going to receive about twice as much of the same gifts as the free tier, and the final reward in this tier will be the Celebration Paradise decoration, which will provide the bonus of AP Recovery speed of +2%. The third tier will be purchasable for $20, and players are going to recive on average 50% more gifts than the 2nd tier, and the final reward will be 30 'Anniversary Coins' that can be exchangeable in the Long Live Friendship section.

Long Live Friendship

This section is very unique, here players can utilize the Anniversary Coins that they obtained from special bundles from the anniversary event or from previous sections of the event, to exchange gifts with other players. This is a great opportunity for you to reward that special friend that always trade honor with you during events, or that friend that always cheer you up when you are down. You will also have the unique opportunity to reward a Core Immortals Selection Chest, which will provide 60x Charles the Great, or Genghis Khan, or Baldwin IV fragments, which will be enough for that special person to summon one of these 3 super powerful immortals, this will only cost you 120 anniversary coins, about $120 if you manage to complete all missions from previous phases.

Annual Memories

Here you can check the history of Infinity Kingdom in numbers, and your account's history as well. After that, the players will receive an unique code that will represent the orb that he or she has obtained. If the player manage to obtain one orb from each element, a special reward will be sent to the player's mail. To obtain orbs players must exchange their codes with each other, if they got multiple of the same element, they can combine two of them to obtain an orb from a missing element.

A Light Show

In this section the player can purchase specific packs that will reward unique frame, chat box and epic decoration from the anniversary event.


The Anniversary Celebration and the Sweetness Guardian phases provide amazing rewards and every player should try to accomplish them. The exchanging rewards are alright, but their prices are somewhat high, and I don't feel motivated to spend that much for a gift, overall this is a good event. Please leave a comment bellow if you have any questions that I will do my best to give you an answer :)
