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Infinity kingdom falls into the umbrella of Pay 2 Win games. These games allow you to advance quicker by spending real money. P2W mobile games are trending and have become a huge market.
However, in any of these games, you can still play and enjoy the experience without spending.
My first advice to you is to always think about your livelihood first. Only ever spend the money you can afford to.
Do not look at it as an investment, it’s not!
SPOILER* This guide is not for F2P as it involves spending real money. Reading this content might get you to spend, be aware!
**Pro Tip** If you plan on spending at any point in your IK life, better do it early than later.
The sooner you do spend that 1$-20$ the more you get out of it!!!
Is spending 1$ even worth it?
In P2W games, the first few purchases are always the most valuable one.
They offer a bigger prize for the money spent.
Infinity Kingdom is no different in that regard.
By spending only 1$ you are rewarded with the “First Recharge” pack.
This is a super value offer because of the Merlin summoning.
Merlin is only available this way!
He will then be easily obtainable in the market for both gems and purple shards.
This will allow you to have a very strong water march with an amazing mage in Merlin.
But what should you go for at 1$ only?
If you plan on only paying 1$, I suggest getting the VIP 1$ chest then.
This will give you another 30 shards for Merlin.
So, by spending only 1$ you get an immortal EVERY F2P will never obtain!
What is the best purchase in Infinity Kingdom?
The very best bundle you can go for in Infinity Kingdom is only 5$!
Yeah, Head Start is THE best bundle!
This bundle unlocks an extra permanent Building Queue, allowing you to have 3 at all times.
This will save you hours and hours of speed-ups.
This is a no-brainer, if you plan on only investing 5$, get this bundle and it will also unlock the First Recharge pack which will give you Merlin!
I can afford to spend 21$, what should I go for?
If you can afford to spend a bit more, the best purchase will be these!
1- Head Start = 5$
2- All three Daily Bundles (once) = 6$
3- Growth Fund = 10$
So 21$ in total.
Head start because it’s the best bundle in the game!
You then want to get 20 Pearls
Buying all three will get you the 20 pearls needed to buy the Epic Immortals Selection Chest available ONLY ONCE in the Mysterious Pearl Shop.
This chest will allow you to unlock one of 4 immortals that are only available with real money at first.
*As the game advances, some events will let you select a similar chest as reward.
Even then, this chest is super good value, 60 epic immortal shards for 6$.
If you go with a Water march, you should get Attila.
If you go with an Earth march, you should get Alexander.
*Do not go for a Wind march.
** Richard and Peter are probably better than El Cid.
Your last purchase would be a Growth Fund at 10$.
Over time this will give you whooping 22000 gems!!!
Should I go for Water or Earth Main?
This depends on your spending and personal preferences.
However, by spending the 21$ above you would be able to get a Full and strong Water March.
By spending an extra 6$ to get the VIP5 chest(need VIP5), you will be able to unlock Zenobia.
However, Zenobia, Cleo, Alexander(from the chest shown above) and Leonidas (the F2P earth tank) or any other F2P epic front line, your Earth would not be full.
You need Charles to make your Earth team really shine.
Charles is only available in a 100$ bundle.
(Same offer but different a different bundle name when first available)
So if you only invest 21$ or below, I suggest going Water as your main march.
If you can afford to spend 130$ or so, then go with Earth.
You should still get the Head Start & Growth Fund bundles!
I only want to spend a few bucks every month, what should I get?
Once you invest the first 21$, if you plan on spending only a few bucks every month.
I strongly suggest going for the 10$ 30-day Gem Supply.
This will not only give you a 5% building speed for a whole month,but it also gets you a total of 11600 gems.
You will need them to buy some Immortal in the market.
(Except Merlin and Zenobia, every immortals that are first unlockable with money, will only be purchasable using gems in the market)
Another monthly purchase that offers good value is the Golden Path.
The Golden Path shines when it comes to artifact shards & materials.
However, with the new special artifact added in patch 1.8. I do feel like it lost a bit of its amazing value.
I think they need to change some of the rewards.
Including a Full Special Artifacts would make it a priority once again.
What if I can afford around 100$ a month?
If you plan on spending over 100$ a month.
I would still go for the same bundles named above.
However, after that I would focus on other immortal bundles.
As you grind the game, you will be able to obtain everything that does not require money.
Dragon crystals are a good boost to buy, but ultimately you can farm them.
Philo stone bundle is a nice purchase, but ultimately you will earn some.
Speed ups are nice, but you can take it slow if you only spend a few bucks every now and then.
The real value is getting immortals that F2P and Low spender cannot afford.
It really depends on your marches but here are a list of Immortals you should invest in if you can afford them.
1- Charles
2- Khan
Two solid immortals that fit in more than one march.
3- Ramesses
The Ramesses immortal bundle is cheaper than other epic immortals. The price goes up as you buy it and can only be purchased for a limited amount of time.
Ramesses is also a decent immortal.
4- Buying Daily Bundles.
Buying these will get you Pearls. You can then use these to max an Immortal from King of the Hill.
Again depending on your marches, you can go for:
Cyrus (Fire support)
Dido (Water Support)
Arash ( Earth range)
Hammurabi (Lightning mage)
And more to come.
This is how you can differentiate yourself from F2P and Low spender.
I can afford to spend quite a bit of money every month, what should I buy?
I cannot afford to spend a whole lot, so I might not be the best person to tell a big spender what to go for or not.
What I can say is to stay away from everything that is farmable.
Your money is better spent on content that is only available to big spenders.
So Shadow & Holy immortals + Dragons should be a priority.
Then spend on everything else you can afford!
Best pro tip for low spender!
1- Do not rush and use everything when there is no reward for doing so.
2- Know your role and what you can do to help your alliance.
3- Follow my growth guide to make the best use of your time and items!!!
Thanks, for reading guys! Remember to only spend what you can afford to throw in the ocean!