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[NEWS] Update Notice Feb 22nd

News & Announcements
Article Publish : 02/20/2021 17:33

Dear Lords and Ladies,

We will have an update at around 03:00 AM (GMT) on Feb 22nd to fix a few bugs and make several improvements on Public Server. The server maintenance will last for 4 hours. During the maintenance, you will be unable to enter the game. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We will send compensation via mail after the maintenance.

Have fun and prepare for the winter!

Here are the contents of this update:

1. New Features

- New “Royal Kingsguard” equipment set. Royal Lords and Ladies can now collect equipment from other sets to claim corresponding part of the “Royal Kingsguard” set. For more information, please check it out in the Blacksmith.

2. Improvements

- Improved gameplay of Army of the Dead Event, added search function in the battlefield.

- Improved Treasure Seeker, Royal Lords and Ladies will receive 1 minute barrier for their newly plundered mine.

- Improved some other game experience and GUI.

3. Bug Fixes

- Fixed display issue of some of the numbers in “Battle Record” section of the battle reports.

- Fixed some other minor bugs.

GoT Winter is Coming Team
