Underworld Aura is locked (does not work) but has a final date for Wednesday 26th of March at 5.00?? Today was Monday (two days before) and you have already closed this menu promotion already?

10 free draw (regular advanced summons) lasted only 5 days, not the regular 7 days (that celebrate Chinese New Year and SSA-Kotz Anniversary). So, today Monday 24th. March 2025, this menu promotion celebrating the Chinese New Year is no longer available??

What is the point of having banners last 7 days of the week if your sale/menu promotions last 3-4-5 days?? WHAT IS ONE SUPPOSED TO DO THE REST OF THE WEEK??
Have you fixed the startup crashes/freezes? No. Have you fixed Pandora Marshall (rebirthed ability to revive 2) NO! Have you improved the connection during duels? Have you improved the dueling match-ups?? (for Forever Energy promotion I had to duel with three customer players FIVE, SEVEN AND FOUR CONSECUTIVE TIMES??? CAN YOU IMAGINE PLAYING WITH THE SAME PERSON 16 out of 50 times?? 30.2% of the time??

SS God Saint Banner Apollo has been the worst Banner Saint that I have participated in. It took me 560 banner summons to finally get Apollo with 150 shards. His first skill starts at CDMG 40% and with 20 blue books (level five rises to 80% CDMG! TWENTY WHOLE BOOKS SO THAT YOU CAN ERASE FROM MY COSMO AND FROM MY COSMO ATTACK 20%???? IT IS RETARDED AND FRAUDULENT! Same thing happens with Second Skill. TWENTY SKILL BOOKS SO THAT YOU CAN ERASE 20% OF THE COSMO DAMAGE AMOUNT IN COSMO AND SS APOLLO'S STATS??? HOW CAN YOU PROMOTE AND SELL A SAINT THAT MAXIMIZED WITH 40 SKILL BOOKS REACHES 80% COSMO DAMAGE??? DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU ARE DESIGNING SAINTS TO BE LESS POWERFUL THAN THEIR STATS AND MAXIMUM SKILLS??
Apollo is not an attack Saint. All he does is control (avoid) the attacks of opponent saints. His rate of avoiding opponent attacks is 50% so how is it possible to avoid 5-6 opponent saints??? Because this is what is happening now?? If the probability of avoiding attacks is 100% (it always happens, with six opponent saints) if it happens with 5 it is 84%, with four opponents 68%. If the probability written in the second skill is 50% Apollo should only be able to avoid the attack of UP TO THREE OPPONENT SAINTS WHICH IS 50% PROBABILITY! The manner in which you code probability is not correct. The texts that quantify the skill levels are not properly written nor do they reflect what the coders have placed as the probabilities and damages that are placed in the game.
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