Many of us spent literally hundreds of millions of resources and hundreds of speed ups to get gold and purple advisor medals on a 6 day journey, only to have the only rewards worth getting be split with NPC accounts. Three times now I have personally spent resources (WHICH MUST COME FROM YOUR PACKS) and got NOTHING.
Not only that, but the game penalizes you for answering questions that are not actually wrong. For example: one question asked was which hand did Jamie Lannister fight with? The correct answer would actually be both, but if you are limited to right or left, common sense would determine you'd have to answer by which hand he used for the majority of the series, and since his right hand was cut off in season 3, and there's 8 seasons, the majority of the show he spent fighting with his left hand (which included fighting the Wite Walkers during the Night King battle at Winterfell). Because of this wrong answer, many players failed the adventure, and the customer service department did jack to ameliorate the problem.
Then again, how could we expect them to know more about Game of Thrones then us dedicated aficionados when they give us commanders like Annie and Egbert :))
~Dragon Queen