GTarcade App
More benefits, more surprises
This weeks maintenance was shameful. Embarrassing. This month's new Banner Saint is Seraphina's brother Unity. Unity is a MARINA SAINT. Which means that Unity is not a GOLD SAINT. OTHERWISE, WHAT ZODIAC SIGN DOES UNITY HAVE? Unity is supposed to have a bronze armor like Seraphina or Kanon Sea Dragon, or any of the other Marinas have?? So, who didn't know Unity was a Marina and colored Unity Gold?
In this week's Demonstration, Snow Storm Lord, whoever designed the art and the content FAILED MISERABLY THIS WEEK. The Developers of the Demo, placed Poseidon SS GOD as one of the allied Saints, BUT DID NOT GIVE HIM A TURN? One can't use or play Poseidon in this week's demonstration.
The Art/Design department didn't even take the time to translate the story/content. (NO TRANSLATION)
No Translation.
No translation.
No translation. Because employees in Tencent, GT Arcade and Yoozoo do such a terrible job, that nobody in those companies, shell companies, care about honoring or respecting the customers/players.
Legion Boss freezes every day. I have reported it for months and being something that has been in the game for six years (since the start) it is embarrassing/shameful/horrible that Tencent, GT Arcade and Yoozoo do not take the time to fix the Legion Boss Freeze. When the game freezes one needs to quit the game, restart the game, enter legion boss once again just to press the button and do the rest of the turns. It is a pain in the ass to report this every week and have Tencent, GT arcade and Yoozoo DO NOTHING TO FIX THE BUGS; CRASHES OR FREEZES IN THE GAME.
Please fix Unity's text, please fix Unity's Golden Armor and make it a Bronze Armor (Marina Armor). Please fix Poseidon in the Demonstration so that Poseidon gets a turn.
Please fix Legion Boss so that it doesn't crash every day, just before the game gives the statistics of the Legion Boss run.