In Norheim, every lord gets their moment of glory. The tight camaraderie and endless joy are all reflected through those little castles popping up one after another. Today, let's meet SelfZi11A from Server 38, hear his story, and tag along on his adventures!
Could you introduce yourself briefly? For example, where are you from, and how long have you been playing IK? Would you mind sharing the story of how you started playing IK?
I’m from Singapore. I started playing 3.5 years ago when Server 38 first started. I started playing as this was during Covid period, and I was stuck at home with not much to do. After playing for awhile, I got to know many of the other players here, and we enjoyed playing together, which is what has kept me interested in the game after so long, and is what initially drove me to volunteer to lead my alliance
Why did you choose this in-game name?(Interesting answer!)
I used to play a MOBA game called Vainglory and played a hero whose ultimate was called Selfdestruct. My in game name is SelfZi11A because our original whale on S38 was called GODZi11A, and a lot of us copied his name for fun
How do you feel about winning the championship?
I could not have done it without the support from all my friends and people on s38 who voted for me
Was there a moment in your IK journey when you felt all your effort really paid off? Or do you have any unforgettable moments?
A few seasons ago when we overcame the odds and beat the combined effort from S231, S73, S66, S56 and S136 in kvk
What's your favorite gameplay feature in IK? And why?
My favourite part of the game is being able to play with friends and work towards a goal together, so I guess my favourite part of the game would be kvk. However, it can be a mixed bag, sometimes we get good matchups, but our past 3 seasons have been super boring and end in 1-2 days
Could you share with us your New Year's resolutions for 2025?
having a better sleep schedule, although playing ik probably has something to do with that problem