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How to Obtain Teleportation Decoration Skins

Press Officer
Article Publish : 01/05/2025 18:06
Edited by magic mage at 01/05/2025 18:07

Hello Infinity Kingdom, this is Magic Mage from server 243 back to ensure you do not miss out on the very special opportunity to obtain teleportation decoration skins and to ensure you have a chance to budget should one become available.


  • What is a teleportation skin
  • Features and benefits
  • How to identify when one of these skins are offered
  • The overall cost
  • Closing thoughts

What is a Teleportation Skin

Castle skins have played an interictal aspect in both PVP (Player vs. Player) and PVE (Player vs. Environment) within Infinity Kingdom over the years. While some strive to capture each and every skin, not all are affordable and can come at a hefty price tag. 

However, in 2024 teleportation skins were introduced. These skins are almost like a coat we adorn for our castles where an additional boost can be acquired. They are also come at a more affordable rate for those low to moderate spenders who wish to obtain a special attribute to boost their game play vs. purchasing a castle skin that could equal up to $500+ depending upon the skin and how it was released. 

The teleportation skins align with some of our pre-existing castle decorations such as Dark Night Sovereign (earned through the star of popularity event) and the teleportation skin Supreme Ruler; which pays tribute to Tomyris’s trusty Griffin who guards her back. 

It is important to understand some of these teleportation skins will offer the same attribute so you will want to think carefully about not only what attribute you wish to have but also the decoration that comes with the action of teleportation. 

In reviewing the boosts associated with the teleportation skin corresponding to the castle skin you can discover some synergies that could be advantageous to your daily activities. For example the Colosseum skin provides a lord a 5% boost for attacking enemies to gain honor and a 5% marching speed. This castle is built for PVP situations where when you attack you increase your nobility ranking but can also return quick enough to garrison your own castle to allow you to reclaim honor points should the lord attacked retaliate. The teleportation skin that correlates to the Colosseum castle skin allows production speed of all resources to increase by 3%. This Can be helpful when in battle and needing to train troops to continue your fights. However, the great thing about the teleportation skins is you can layer them for activities you are performing that best meet your individual needs. If you have a surplus in resources, you might not want to increase the resource production but instead may wish to equip yourself with a bonus to your honor points by adorning a skin such as Blazing Fire. 

Magic Mages Tips and Tricks: During throne of supreme I like to pair with The Great Celebration Skin providing a troop HP boost of +2%, the teleportation skin Frost Valor to decrease deaths by 3% to help offset the losses I incur with the increased in troops overall health points.

Features and Benefits

While there are multiple teleportation skins available the attributes they provide fall into similar categories:

Attack enemies to gain Honor +3%

  • Blazing Fire (Fire Dragon)
  • Phantom Shadow (Shadow Dragon)
  • Radiant Glory (Holy Dragon)
  • Iron Wall (Earth Dragon)

Death Rate -3%

  • Frost Valor (Water dragon)
  • Wirlwind (Wind Dragon)
  • Supreme Ruler (Dark Night Sovereign Corresponding Castle)

SP Recovery Speed +3%

  • Thunderstorm (Lightening Dragon)
  • Gold Dragon Descends (Chinese New Year Dragon)

Resource Gathering Speed +3%

  • Desert Gem (Pyramid Corresponding Castle)
  • Singular Realm (Paradeisos Corresponding castle)

Production Speed of All Resources +3%

  • Goddess Might (Land of Goddesses Corresponding Castle)
  • Majestic Poem (Colosseum Corresponding Castle) 

Keep In Mind: Knowing the boosts associated to different teleportation decoration skins may provide you with a tactical advantage. An enemy who ports next to you with an honor or decreased death rate skin my be more of a threat then one who is adorning a resource gathering speed or production speed teleportation decoration.

There reside several ways you can benefit from these teleportation skins. Like other avenues of our game you will want to be strategic in how you are layering the special attributes. Electing a +3% Honor teleportation boost to couple it with a 5% honor boost castle skin (Dark Night Sovereign, Colosseum and Mountain Barricade -Earth Dragon Skin) or the Bon Voyage castle skin providing a 3% boost for honor. This would significantly increase your honor points and if added to the Military Lord Talent “Rank Advancement” you will quickly boost your independent honor rankings to increase and maintain your nobility rewards and daily gems. However, if the tasks you are performing are not centered around honor but you are utilizing a secondary attribute to a castle skin such as the marching speed, you might wish to then consider a teleportation skin that could boost SP recovery speed, resource gathering, or production of your resources to aid in other areas of growth. 

One thing I truly appreciate these decorations, is the ability to stack different boost needed for the activities I am performing on top of different castle skins; which are preset boosts. This is of course above and beyond lord talents, alliance and academy technology, assignments of troops within your castle, and governor positions that can be bestowed. Make sure you are checking for these additional resources to stack boosts. 

How to identify when one of these skins are offered

I know many of you astute lords have identified the new teleportation skin decorations and have been asking how these can be obtained. Unlike our castle skins, unlocking a teleportation skin is someone like a game or Russian Roulette. Even when you know where to look, the actual decoration is not easily known. We do however get some clues to help guide us in this quest.

The Frost Valor skin was unlocked through an event late fall of 2024. I have not seen one of these skins offered in an event after we had a chance to unlock the decreased death rate teleportation decoration. However, since that release In both November 2024, and December 2024 we have had a chance to acquire two additional teleportation decorations (Blazing Fire and Thunderstorm). 

Both of these teleportation decorations were unlocked with the release of Gift of Bonding’s. I was able to confirm that these gift of bonding teleportation decorations are available to lords both in conquest and in earlier seasons including the preparation season. 

The corresponding fire dragon teleportation skin was revealed with the bonding series that included the fire immortal’s avatar frame for Ashoka:

While I did not love this frame, I had a good friend who advised me that I could obtain the Blazing Fire teleportation skin if I made all the purchases within that month’s gift of Bonding series.

Knowing that I was able to purchase the Honor teleportation skin through November’s gift of Bonding, which foreshadowed the fire dragon skin based on the element the avatar frame inspired by the immortal Ashoka, when December’s gift of bonding series was released, I tested this theory again to discover if a teleportation skin was available. The frame was not corresponding to an elemental immortal and therefore, I was thinking the teleportation skin would relate to one of the landmark historical buildings teleportation decorations. Particularly I was thinking it may correlate to the Goddess Might teleportation decoration as the avatar frame was called “Wings of Magic”. It was an serendipitous, and kind-of perfect that December's Gift of Bonding's avatar frame name correlated with my game name in which I chose to test my theory that I could unlocking a second teleportation skin with this special package series. As I only had two others at that point, statistically the chances of unlocking a skin with an attribute I did not have was in my favor and so I took a chance that proved my theory of these decorations to be released within this series.

The overall cost

We are given a limited time to purchase the gift of bonding series, so I recommend you save and budge to purchase through GT arcade coupons for when this special package is released. 

To unlock this teleportation skin you will need to Recharge four times within this event. The cost increases as follows as you unlock each gift in the series as follows: $5 -> $10 -> $20 -> $50. As such the total cost to unlock the teleportation skins when issued through the gift of bonding series will be $85. The down side to the gift of bonding series is we do not know what the next package will provide us until we purchase the prior package. This means we are investing $35 to see if there is a teleportation decoration is available to unlock at that $50 recharge bundle package within the series. 

I caution lords to know that the last package is not guaranteed to be a teleportation skin. It is a game of chance. Therefore, taking a chance to obtain these teleportation skins blindly, is not recommended for individuals who are low spenders who may benefit from spending $35 or even $85 on a different event where the prizes are known, UNLESS a fellow lord has already unlocked the series to confirm what teleportation decoration you may receive and if that special attribute would benefit you individually. I would also highly advise coupons from packages in GT arcade be purchased to make acquire the gift of bonding packages to ensure the greatest return on your investment. Also look in your calendar and see if you can time it out with a spending event where you could earn additional dice if possible.

Take Note: Purchases can be made over the course of the gift of bonding event or in a single day. Additionally, the last package is a set package so if you have the grand reward in that series you cannot elect a different option. The packages are the same for ALL Lords regardless of what they have already purchased.

Both gift of bonding purchases to obtain the lightning and fire teleportation decorations provided the same rewards. Which included exclusive artifact selection boxes, elite resource chest, VIP points, and dragon essence. 

Closing Thoughts

Overall the teleportation decorations are an affordable way to obtain additional boosts and at $85 are a great deal when looking at the overall cost to get one or two boosts from castle skins. However, it is a chance and if you can not guarantee what decoration you are getting spending $35 to unlock that mystery grand final gift could be a steep price to pay especially as we can obtain VIP, dragon essence, exclusive artifact chests, and elite resource chest for free through other avenues in the game.

Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Do you like the teleportation skins? Will you be looking for one this month to a little flourish to your castle as it moves this new year? What skin do you want the most and why? Would you chance spending $35 to unlock a mystery castle skin or teleportation decoration?

Magic Mage

Official Press Officer for Infinity Kingdom

Server #243

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