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GoTWiC [AoH] S2R6 Suprise

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 10/10/2024 00:59

Greetings ladies and gentlemen. After the successful 5th round in the Arena, it was the turn of the 6th, but not as usual in the last 2 times, but in the morning. Due to his obligations, Stanko could not lead his standard team, but once again, as in the first match of the 5th round, he had to look for new players to join him in the trip to the Arena. This time he will have an even more difficult task, because not even Rale was there and he is playing with players he will not know any of and without good communication like he has when he plays with his team. But that will not be an excuse, the players started to join him. He expected that at least someone would be known to him, but he was not. Stanko was a strong enough spearman, so he was looking for strong infantry and cavalry in order to have all 3 strong rallies.

Three players from the strong alliances NFI, NoS and NoX came to the house and this encouraged Stanko a lot, because one of them was a strong infantry while the others were spearmen. However, the problem was finding a strong cavalry. Time went on, and none of the candidates met the criteria. Stanko had to lower the criteria and fill the team if he wanted to compete. They managed to gather the team a few minutes before the start. Stanko wasn't happy with how everything was going, but he couldn't change anything. He tried to get in touch with everyone in order to know what army they had and how to arrange who would attack what.

Players entered the battlefield from House Targeryan.

It seems that Stanko really likes this house, because he is often in it. In the arena, he immediately spotted 2 strong players in the Lannister house, among whom was Bower, a strong infantryman, and he knew that there would already be problems because we did not have strong cavalry.

Apart from them, there were no stronger opponents and this could be a match that could be won with good communication and coordination. The goal was to win first place and Glory in order to get more fame points for a higher rank, as well as glory coins so that he could buy fragments for Tyrion's weapons, and source of Honor for the golden dragon.

The match has started. we all headed towards strongholds to finish them as soon as possible and get points. Since Clan castle was held by a player with a spear infantry formation, we decided on a mix of spear infantry camps, however some players chose their own strongholds, although the agreement was that only Stanko would choose, so we also had a couple of trading posts.

Already at the beginning, problems appeared for Stanko. The first Altar was opened, Stanko sent player with strong infantry towards the castle, while he waited with his spearmen in case someone attacked him. Fortunately, it passed peacefully and the first Altar was secured.

The other Altars were also opened. The emphasis was on Maiden, which increases trading points. Once again, an infantry player was in charge of the Altar, while Stanko sent his troops to the Baratheon house to capture the same Altar for them and thus increase the points even more. However, there were no attacks on any Altar and we easily managed to conquer both.

Just in time because the Dragonpit had already opened and Stanko had to quickly withdraw his troops from the Altar to prepare them for the attack. Although he demanded the rest of the house to attack the Dragonpit, in the end he had to personally. Tired after the long journey, he rushed as fast to Dragonpit. It was against an outnumbered army, but Stanko was able to claim victory and capture the Dragonpit. He expected to defend himself alone, but help arrived in the form of troops and cavalry. It was enough for them to manage to defend themselves and secure the Dragonpit. With this victory, they moved away from the 3rd place, however, the house of Tyrell was still in a big advantage. This was a great result for now, because Stanko himself did not expect this course of the game.

Immediately after one, Stanko started for the second one, which had not yet been won. This time, Stanko had a stronger reinforcement, and easily took the second Dragonpit.

In the meantime, our house occupied Glory. He didn't have time to find out who held the castle, so he sent his t4 spearmen, because he sent his strongest army to the 3rd Dragonpit.

He was more focused on the 3rd Dragonpit than on Glory, because he didn't expect any of us to be able to conquer it, when a courier report arrives from the attack on Glory, where he sees that a very strong player is holding Glory. This was a positive for Stanko, because it was not clear to him how he had not noticed such a player until now. His name was xiaoyi1. A calm and quiet player, he has not stood out so far. He took Glory with a solo attack, and while Stanko was preoccupied with Altars and Dragonpits, xiaoyi1 was focused only on Glory.

Now Stanko was taken by surprise, he was too far away to be able to send his strongest troops to defend him, and there was little time left and the attacks were coming. Stanko ordered the players to send the recovered troops, so that they could have a fuller castle. With 5 seconds to go, the last attack came. If we defend ourselves, we win Glory and climb to the first position.

Stanko from Dragonpit couldn't see the opposing army, so he hoped it wasn't Bower, who could beat him with the infantry. However, it was a weak solo attack, which much weaker players would have defended against, and we managed to win Glory and climb to first place.

No stronger rally went to Glory. It seems that only Stanko did not see how strong the player is holding the castle. This was quite surprising and encouraging for Stanko. Now it was necessary to keep Glory, because there was still a lot to play for. In the meantime, Stanko also occupied the third Dragonpit. Time went on. We had an absolute advantage over the second-placed team, but there were still 20 minutes to play.

What Stanko thought a few minutes ago, that's what Bower did now. He easily got xiaoyi1 solo. Stanko saw this, he solo attacked on Glory.

This was a suicide attempt. But he couldn't let him conquer the castle. Bower remained still in the castle. Stanko called xiaoyi1 to launch a rally against him, because the latter did not have enough troops and would succeed in winning him, however, xiaoyi1 did not advertise. He quickly ordered the inf player to start the rally. There was not enough time for a full rally because time was running out. Stanko managed to speed up the army so that it would reach the castle on time. In the last seconds we managed to retake the castle. Good luck to us. Bower had too few troops, so Stanko solo would get him.

We managed to batten down the castle, but there was still no relaxation to be had. Stanko continued to attack the Mine Shaft and collect additional points. He did not hesitate to attack the infantry as well, even at the cost of heavy losses.

In the meantime, we lost Glory again. Now he was holding a strong UTB player from House Lannister with his spearmen. Stanko again called xaioyi1 to start the rally in the hope that he would listen to him this time. There is still a little time left and if we manage to defend ourselves, Glory remains with us, as well as first place. Fortunately, this time xaioyi1 listened to him and started the rally. We didn't have enough players, so we started and infantry rally in order to increase the chances of defense. First came the infantry rally and a few seconds after him the xaioyi1. The opponent, even he was strong as he was, did not manage to defend himself from two rallies and we managed to keep Glory.

This was an unexpected victory for Stanko, where they managed to win Glory and a convincing first place for a newly formed group. Although house Lannister was the favorite before the match, they ended up taking 5th place, because they were focused on Glory, while house Tyrell managed to win second place with a big 100k points with points from Tower and Catapult.

This was perhaps the best match for Stanko, in which he took 3rd place.

And how good they were is shown by the fact that even 4 players from home were in the top 10. This was a great match for Stanko and I hope that his old teammates will have a similar one.
