Hello, my name is Marta. This is my story and the story of the creation of LSK, as well as how we managed to get to this perfect kingdom, K335.
First of all, I was born into this game in K247. There, in that kingdom, and without knowing anything at all, there was a clan called R22 ruling, along with another clan called Q19, and finally the clan I joined, which was DF2. Like everyone else, I didn't even know what a clan was, but in the end, I was extremely lucky; you'll understand later.
In that kingdom, the ruling clan, R22, didn't let us farm level 5 nodes and they didn't defend much either, to be honest. But back then, that was what was done in the game. Fortunately, today it's very different; the rulers understood that you have to share for the kingdom to live (anyone who says otherwise is very confused).

Weeks went by and the situation became more and more frustrating; it was crazy. That’s when I met a player who would change the way we view the game and our future: a player named Lord Lucid. It turns out that DF2 was a recruiting clan to form a large clan. Once we met through the in-game chat and other channels, we started communicating through external means, such as Discord’s private chat. I started meeting players from many realms, all under the banner of Lord Lucid: there was DF1, DF2, LS1, and LS2.
As time went on, I got a better understanding of the game, its tactics, its troops, and other aspects. The goal was the same for the players of the aforementioned clans: to find a fair kingdom where we could grow and unite in a clan, always under the leadership of Lord Lucid. I couldn't tell you how many times we changed kingdoms. This was crazy. We were like kangaroos. We were going from bad to worse (in this game, things don't usually work out on the first try), so we had to change tactics. We decided to unite in a kingdom because, without unity, we were lost.
Finally, we reached the kingdom where we could unite. We came from everywhere and called ourselves DGf. It was a nice kingdom; not perfect, but compared to the ones we had visited, it was a luxury. The kingdom was K178 and it was heading to 1MP. We spent quite a while there, we even managed to add players to our clan, but like everything in life, all good things come to an end. Hunters came, and when things got tough, people started arguing. 1MP decided to leave the realm.

We weren't strong enough to fight the hunters on our own yet, and even though we held out as long as we could, we eventually had to change realms again (I was reliving my nightmare). We went back to the beginning, from realm to realm, and landed on K323. We merged with the reigning clan there and LsK was created, but the reign didn't last long. We were invaded, but this time it was different; we were invaded by a clan called FBI, whose reign was fair and gave access to all resources. So it wasn't a drama; we were happy and content in that realm. There I started learning how to fight in PvP and many other things, and we started growing quickly.
However, we were unlucky again. AIA landed and destroyed the realm (I think I considered quitting the game at that point). It was impossible to do anything in that realm; LsK was coming to an end.

At that point, I knew that either I put some stable formula in place or we were going to end up disappearing (and I would disappear along with LsK). So I took my time and looked at many realms. I found K335, where we had an alternative clan called LS3. I knew that if it was going to be LsK's and my last chance, it had to be that realm. So, in the middle of 2022, I decided to jump without consulting anyone. I only talked about it once I had already jumped; it was my bet and I was determined that I would do well.
I landed on K335 and there I found DnB, a normal clan, with good people. I introduced myself and said that I came in peace looking for a realm, but I wasn't afraid of war either; They would decide how this was going to work. Once there, I discovered that a wee had landed. My doubts began to arise, but this time I was lucky. In the end, I became friends with him; it was Blacklion. Thanks to him, I got Spears and learned how to play PvP without fear, how to equip myself and look at my stats, summing up how to become a fighter.

A few weeks passed and, when I saw that we could be calm in the kingdom, all the LsK joined me. A long period of stability and growth began like we had never dreamed of. DnB disappeared and, in its place, LsK reigned the kingdom. Every "Return to Westeros" we trembled all over. The first one who appeared was an SPL, DarkQueeN. He came in strong, but in the end, he became my friend and we lived together while he taught me how to play PvP even more. Sadly, after a while, he left the game.

Then Byrdy appeared. I was very scared because, with the merit he scored, he was terrifying. But luckily he came to rest; I also learned a lot from him. We had hunters and we were able to hold them back. Over time, we grew bigger and were able to defend this great kingdom. After a while, a small clan arrived that would also grow with the passage: they were the HVL, commanded by a great person called Star. Today they call themselves TsM. They grew and became fierce fighters; little by little, the kingdom grew.
With them, we have managed to repel invaders and dangerous hunters, and finally, another clan, Fuu, has joined us.It remains to be seen what they can do.

All in all, it has been a long, hard journey, full of bumps and loss of friendships, but in the end, the result is worth it (in this game you are not going to be given things; you have to earn them). When you finally see the result, the only thing left is a feeling of pride for having achieved it.