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Monster paradise bugged

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Article Publish : 08/11/2024 22:58

Every day I have encountered errors with your monster games in your emulator app.

The second part doesn't load. It stays there I lose my turn and I get 18 points for it as if I didn't know how to properly play your game (when it doesn't crash).

Your Monster Match doesn't work well either. Three errors then stops, then lose a turn ten consecutive times, every day.

It's frustrating and annoying. Why do you have apps that don't function well? Why when one reports errors and problems with your app and emulator you never fix anything?

I know you don't care and you have no capacity to make your emulator and game app work well. Because if you did, you would have fixed it years ago.

If I win I lose because it crashes at the end and doesn't give me the 1000 points. Now it crashes most of the time at 18 points. If you aren't going to fix it why don't you quit and close down the servers and close down the company and do not embarrass yourselves and me anymore?
