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Article Publish : 08/05/2024 20:55

The Mechanics of Defense Blessing in Infinity Kingdom


In the thrilling world of Infinity Kingdom, mastering the art of skill deployment is crucial. But how does one skill's value shift from the early game to the late game? Let's dive into the captivating journey of Defense Blessing, a skill that can make or break your strategy depending on your stage in the game. Whether you're just starting or a seasoned veteran, understanding this transformation can give you the edge you need to dominate the battlefield!

What is a Defense Blessing?

Defense Blessing is a passive skill that boosts the defence of your immortals. It is designed to absorb and mitigate incoming damage, making your immortals more resilient in battles. This skill can be particularly effective in prolonging the survivability of your front-line troops, allowing them to endure longer and protect your backline damage dealers.


Type and Mechanics of Defense Blessing

 Optimal Usage of Defense Blessing


Defense Blessing is best used on immortals who are expected to take the brunt of the damage, typically your front-line tanks and support units. The increased defence can help these immortals withstand enemy attacks longer, creating a buffer for your more vulnerable, high-damage backline units. Helps to reduce incoming damage from both physical and magical hits.


Example: If your march typically finishes a battle in 30 seconds, Defense Blessing effectively provides a defensive boost for 40% of the battle duration, significantly impacting the early stages where burst damage is most crucial.


Ideal Immortals for Defense Blessing


- Hippolyta: Known for her tanking ability, Hippolyta can make excellent use of Defense Blessing to increase her survivability and provide sustained protection to her allies.

- Alexander the Great: With his robust stats and ability to absorb damage, Alexander benefits greatly from the additional defence, making him a formidable front-line defender.

- Hannibal: Another strong front-line immortal, Hannibal's natural durability is enhanced by Defense Blessing, allowing him to hold the line effectively.


Synergy with Other Skills

Defense Blessing often works best in conjunction with other defensive or supportive skills to maximize its effectiveness. Combining it with War Blessing, for instance, can create a highly resilient team that is hard to break through.


  1. War Blessing: While Defense Blessing increases defence, War Blessing boosts the attack of your immortals. Used in conjunction, these two skills can balance your march, providing both offensive and defensive boosts.
  2. Life Link: This skill can transfer damage received by front-line immortals to the entire team, reducing the overall damage taken by any single unit. Combined with Defense Blessing, this can create a very durable front line.
  3. Absolute Defense: Provides a shield that absorbs damage, making it a perfect complement to Defense Blessing by further increasing the survivability of your immortals.




Best Scenarios for Using Defense Blessing


Defense Blessing is effective in both PvP and PvE scenarios. In PvP, it helps create a march that can withstand enemy attacks. In PvE, it is particularly useful in boss battles and gnome hunts, where survivability is key.

Elemental Marches and Defense Blessing


Defense Blessing is particularly effective in mixed elemental marches and can be very potent in Fire and Water elemental marches due to their balanced nature.


  1. Fire Marches: Often focus on dealing high damage, so boosting the defence of fire immortals can help balance their glass-cannon nature, making them more durable. Since Fire marches rely on high burst damage early in the battle, the 12-second boost from Defense Blessing is especially beneficial.
  2. Water Marches: Known for their strong synergy and balanced stats, adding Defense Blessing can enhance their overall resilience and make them tougher to defeat.
  3. Hybrid March: Defense Blessing can be effectively utilised in a mixed march, particularly when applied to a durable frontline immortal e.g. Alexander the Great. Their high health and defensive capabilities allow them to benefit most from the 25% defense boost, helping to absorb damage and protect the backline, thereby maintaining the march’s overall stability. 

Early-Game Versus Late-Game 

While Defense Blessing is generally considered an early-game skill, it is not necessarily undervalued in late-game play. In the late game, newer Triss KVK skills might overshadow it due to their advanced mechanics and higher stat boosts. However, Defense Blessing still has a role, especially for free-to-play (F2P) players who may not have access to the latest skills.


Pros and Cons of Defense Blessing



- Provides significant defensive boosts to all immortals.

- Increases the survivability of front-line units, protecting backline damage dealers.

- Easy to obtain and upgrade for F2P players.

- Particularly effective for high-burst damage teams like Fire, where battles often conclude quickly.



- Might be outclassed by newer skills in late-game scenarios.

- Less effective if not used in conjunction with other complementary skills.

- Limited impact on elemental marches that focus heavily on offence.

- The skill is only active for the first 12 seconds of the battle, making it less efficient in longer engagements.



Defence blessing continues to be a crucial skill, particularly for free-to-play players and those just starting in the game. used in conjunction with War Blessing, it can create a balanced march capable of withstanding significant damage while dealing considerable offensive output. While it may not be the top choice in late-game meta, its accessibility and effectiveness in mixed, fire, and water marches ensure it maintains a role in strategic planning. Maximising legion points and maintaining a strong defence in SvS and PvP scenarios requires combining Defense Blessing with War Blessing, making it a crucial component of a well-rounded skill setup. These skills, particularly valuable in high-burst teams, provide the early defensive boost needed to gain the upper hand and mitigate early battle damage effectively.






