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Frostborne: Maximising Legion Coins

Article Publish : 07/29/2024 21:03
Edited by honors at 07/29/2024 22:08


Mastering Legion Coin Acquisition in Frostborne: Strategies and Tips

Conquering the frozen wastelands of Frostborne isn't just about brute force—it's a strategic dance of resource management, efficient combat, and tactical gameplay. 



In the ever-evolving battlefield of Infinity Kingdom's Frostborne, earning Legion Coins has become more challenging yet crucial. The latest changes in the conquest season's format have raised the stakes, making it imperative for players to adapt their strategies. This article delves into the mechanics of gaining Legion Coins, the strategies a player can adopt, and the best ways to spend these valuable coins. Whether you're a seasoned warrior or a newcomer, mastering these tactics will enhance your gameplay and fortify your position in Frostborne.


Understanding the Mechanics of Legion Coins

 Before diving into the battlefield, understanding the currency of war is essential—Legion Coins are your key to victory.

Legion Coins are earned through various in-game activities and are vital for purchasing powerful items and upgrades. Here's a breakdown of how you can earn them:

  • Defeating Gnomes and Gnome Bosses: Each victory against these foes grants a significant amount of Legion Coins.
  • Occupying Resource Tiles: Gathering resources from these tiles, will boost your supplies and add to your Legion Coin tally.
  • PvP Battles: Engaging and defeating enemy players in player-versus-player battles is another lucrative source of Legion Coins.
  • Alliance Activities: Participating in alliance events and missions often yields Legion Coins as rewards. These activities include:
  • Attending City Sieges: Defend or attack key cities to earn coins.
  • Tackling Gates into Different Zones: Break through enemy gates to expand your territory.
  • Building and Dismantling Thermal Towers: Construct or deconstruct towers to gain strategic advantages and procure rewards.
  • Donating to Cities with Resources: Contribute resources to city development for both Legion Coins and Alliance Coins.
  • Honor Farm: The traditional way to gain Legion coins, is to farm ones alts to move up the rankings. However, the new system is trying to depreciate the value of honor farming. Since most Lords and Ladies will have experience most of their Alts are in different Factions. As they say where there is a will there is a way, so do not right off Honor Farming just yet.


Strategy for Maximizing Legion Coins


The path to wealth in Frostborne is paved with strategic foresight and tactical brilliance.


To maximize your Legion Coin earnings, consider the following strategies:


  1. Efficient March Composition


  • Balanced Troops: Ensure your march is a balance of offensive and defensive units. This minimizes troop deaths and conserves resources. Also, provide sustainability to your March to have engaging PvP throughout the SvS season.

  • Skill Selection: Use single-target damage skills for instance Concentration on Empress Wu to amplify your damage output against bosses and high-value targets.


2. Resource Management 


  • Minimize Troop Losses: Reduce the need for constant healing and retraining by using defensive skills and immortals with high survivability.
  • Optimize Gathering: Use talents like Divine Protection and Tactical Retreat to protect your gatherers and maximize resource collection. Additionally, use gathering buffs to increase your yield at resource tiles and from your resource buildings.


Above are examples of the buffs that can be applied when going into battle, they can also be stacked. Notice the purple ones, they are new this Conquest Season and were gained through event called Building Strength. These are significant dmg & defence % increase for your marches.


3. Alliance Coordination


  • Team Efforts: Coordinate with your alliance to take down Gnome Bosses and secure resource tiles, ensuring a steady flow of Legion Coins.
  • Event Participation: Actively participate in alliance events that offer Legion Coins as rewards. A combined effort will increase your chances of gaining more Frostborne coins by achieving a 1-3 ranking in Federation Reputation


4. Targeted PvP Engagements

Choose Battles Wisely: Engage in PvP battles where you have a tactical advantage to ensure victory and maximize your coin earnings. The higher the Honor gained, the better the rewards.


Spending Your Legion Coins


Earning Legion Coins is just the beginning—knowing how to spend them wisely can turn the tide of battle.

Legion Coins can be spent on a variety of valuable items and upgrades:

  • Artefact Fragments: Enhance your immortals by purchasing fragments to create powerful artefacts.
  • Immortal Shards: Collect shards to summon new immortals or upgrade existing ones.
  • Resource Packs: Buy packs to bolster your supplies of gold, food, wood, and other resources.
  • Skill Scrolls: Obtain scrolls to teach your immortals new and powerful skills.


Conclusion: Pros and Cons of Current Strategies

 Every strategy has its strengths and weaknesses—knowing them can make all the difference in Frostborne.



  • Increased Efficiency: Strategic gameplay and balanced marches reduce troop losses and resource depletion.
  • Steady Coin Flow: Diverse methods of earning coins ensure a constant supply.
  • Enhanced Gameplay: Spending coins on powerful items and upgrades significantly boosts your combat effectiveness.



Resource Intensive: Maintaining an effective march and participating in events can be resource-heavy, e.g. AP pots, speed-ups, boosts, buffs and resources. Maintaining an efficacious supply in your backpack could mean the difference between victory and defeat. In this new SvS format, depending on your match-up, PvP within your Faction or other zones is intense and lengthy.

  • Time-Consuming: Efficient gathering and coordinated attacks require time and active participation.
  • Competitive Pressure: The new format increases competition, making it harder to secure high-value targets.

By understanding the mechanics, adopting effective strategies, and spending your Legion Coins wisely, you can navigate the challenges of Frostborne and emerge victorious. Experiment with different approaches, learn from your battle reports and adjust your tactics to maximize your gains and minimize your losses. In this ever-changing landscape, adaptability and strategic thinking are your greatest assets. Overall, the changes to Frostborne may have made it easier to gain Personal Achievement rewards by gaining the 10mil legion points required to acquire the Frostborne coins to spend in the shop. In addition, there is new merchandise to purchase in the Froostborne shop. These new skills and Immortal fragments from Ancient Remanents will offer the ability to improve one's March compositions. Plan your time, focus on the rewards that will suit your playstyle and go forth to conquer Frostborne.



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