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THE Control Skill Fighting Will - How it works?

Article Publish : 07/15/2024 20:00
Edited by honors at 07/15/2024 20:17


Mastering the Control Skill: Fighting Will (FW) in Infinity Kingdom

In Infinity Kingdom, the tactical deployment of control skills can dramatically alter the course of battle. One such skill, *Fighting Will*, is a control skill from the Tower of Knowledge (ToK) that can significantly enhance your strategy and playstyle. Understanding its mechanics, synergy with immortal ultimate skills, and best usage scenarios is crucial for new and seasoned players. This guide will delve into the specifics of *Fighting Will*, its integration into your march, and how to leverage its power for maximum effect.

Introduction: Harnessing Fighting Will for Tactical Dominance

Control skills are the linchpin of advanced battle strategies in Infinity Kingdom. *Fighting Will* stands out as a unique skill that not only disrupts enemies but also boosts the effectiveness of your team's attacks. By mastering this skill, you can turn the tide of battle in your favour, ensuring your immortals emerge victorious against even the resolute opponents.

Mechanics of Fighting Will

Imagine having the power to immobilize your enemies, rendering them helpless as you orchestrate their defeat—welcome to the world of *Fighting Will*in Infinity Kingdom!

Effect: *Fighting Will*grants a control effect known as *Root*, which immobilises the target, preventing movement and reducing their effectiveness in battle.

Duration: The immobilisation effect lasts for a specified duration, making the target vulnerable to follow-up attacks from your team.

Trigger: This skill activates when an enemy reaches a certain HP threshold, typically during critical moments in battle.

Synergy with Immortal Ultimate Skills

  • Strategic Use: *Fighting Will* pairs exceptionally well with immortals that have high-damage or AoE (Area of Effect) ultimate skills.
  • Examples of Immortals
  • Himiko: Her ultimate skill, *Demon Ambush*, affects multiple enemies. When combined with *Fighting Will*, it can root a crucial target, ensuring they can't escape or reposition.
  • El Cid: His skill deals massive damage and can incapacitate enemies. Rooting them with *Fighting Will* makes them sitting ducks for powerful strikes.
  • Khan: His swift and lethal attacks benefit greatly from rooted targets, making his already formidable damage output even more deadly.

Obtaining Fighting Will

  • Unlocking the Skill: *Fighting Will* is obtained from the Tower of Knowledge. It requires your ToK to be at a specific level to unlock and upgrade this skill.
  • Level Requirement: Typically, you need your ToK to be at 37 to unlock Fighting Will. Upgrading the skill further, increases its effectiveness and duration. To collect Soul Crystals to level up a skill, you need to dismantal Immortal fragments in the Alchemy Lab. These Immortal Fragaments are from, Hall of Immortals, Reward from Harbour, Ruins or events like Sparks of Galaxy and Lucky spin to name a few.

Best Immortals to Use Fighting Will On

Ready to root your enemies in place and rain down chaos? Discover the top immortals that transform Fighting Will into an unstoppable force on the battlefield!

  • High DPS Immortals: Immortals with high damage per second (DPS) output benefit the most from this skill, as it immobilises targets for easier hits.
  • Examples
  • Himiko: Silences and roots enemies, making her a control powerhouse.
  • El Cid: Immobilises enemies, allowing him to deal uninterrupted damage.
  • Khan: Roots enemies, amplifying his rapid, high-damage attacks.

Synergising Fighting Will with Other ToK Skills

  • Coordinated Skills: Pair *Fighting Will* with complementary ToK skills to maximise your march's effectiveness.

  • Recommended Skills
  • Energy Suppression: Reduces enemy energy gain, slowing down their ability to use ultimate skills.
  • Paralysis: Further immobilises enemies, stacking control effects for extended disruption.
  • Weakness: Reduces enemy defences, making them even more vulnerable while rooted.

Type of Control Skill: Root

Imagine immobilizing your enemies, leaving them vulnerable and unable to act—this is the essence of the Root control skill. In Infinity Kingdom, Fighting Will harnesses this power to freeze opponents in their tracks, creating golden opportunities for your march to dominate the battlefield.

  • Mechanics: *Root* immobilises enemies, preventing them from moving and repositioning.
  • Effect on Enemies: Rooted enemies are easy targets, unable to evade attacks or retreat, making them prime targets for your team's focus fire.

Conclusion: Evaluating the Pros and Cons of Fighting Will

Fighting Will is a pivotal control skill in Infinity Kingdom that can significantly influence the outcome of battles. Its ability to immobilise enemies with the Root effect provides a strategic advantage, making it a versatile addition to any player's arsenal. Let's summarise the key points discussed above:


  • Effective Immobilisation: The Root effect is highly effective in controlling the battlefield by preventing enemies from moving or repositioning. This immobilisation allows your immortals to focus their attacks on high-priority targets without interference.
  • Versatility: Fighting Will synergies well with a variety of immortals, especially those with high DPS or AoE ultimate skills. By pairing this skill with immortals like Himiko, El Cid, and Khan, you can amplify their damage output and control capabilities.
  • Strategic Edge: In both PvP and PvE scenarios, the ability to root enemies can disrupt the opposing team's strategies and create opportunities for your team to dominate the battle. This strategic edge can be the difference between victory and defeat in critical moments.


  • Unlock Requirement: To obtain and upgrade **Fighting Will**, players need to invest in their Tower of Knowledge, reaching at least level 30. This can be a significant time and resource investment, especially for newer players.
  • Situational Use: While highly effective, **Fighting Will** is most beneficial when used with specific immortals and within certain strategies. Its effectiveness may vary depending on the composition of your team and the nature of the enemy you face.

Is It Good for F2P Players?

Yes, **Fighting Will** is an excellent skill for free-to-play (F2P) players. Despite the requirement of a high-level Tower of Knowledge, the skill's utility in immobilising key enemies and enhancing the effectiveness of your march makes it a worthwhile investment. For F2P players, focusing on skills like **Fighting Will** that provide significant control and strategic advantages could help level the playing field against tough opponents.

In Summary

  • Understanding the Mechanics: **Fighting Will** immobilises enemies, providing a crucial control effect that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Synergy with Immortals: The skill works best with high DPS immortals like Himiko, El Cid, and Khan, enhancing their ability to deliver powerful attacks to incapacitated enemies.
  • Strategic Use: Employing **Fighting Will** in both PvP and PvE can disrupt enemy plans and create opportunities for your team to secure victory.
  • Skill Acquisition and Upgrade: Investing in the Tower of Knowledge is essential to unlock and enhance **Fighting Will**, making it accessible to both new and experienced players.
  • F2P Viability: Despite the resource investment, **Fighting Will** is a valuable skill for F2P players, offering significant advantages that justify its inclusion in their skill set.

Mastering **Fighting Will** and understanding its integration into your march can elevate your strategic gameplay in **Infinity Kingdom**, providing you with the tools to outmanoeuvre and dominate your foes with precision and efficiency.

Links for Infinity Kingdom

  1. Global IK Download
  2. Download for Korea
  3. Download for Hong Kong & Taiwan


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