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Mastering a Control skill: - HIMIKO Ultimate Skill

Article Publish : 07/15/2024 10:12
Edited by honors at 07/18/2024 19:16

Unleashing Himiko: Mastering Her Control Skill Mechanics in Infinity Kingdom


Command the Battlefield with Himiko, start your engines Lords and Ladies of Norheim, and let the battle commence.

In Infinity Kingdom, Himiko stands as a powerful control skill immortal, capable of turning the tide of battle with her strategic prowess. Understanding her mechanics and ultimate skill is essential for new players aiming to maximize their march's effectiveness.


In the dynamic world of Infinity Kingdom, where strategic prowess and tactical brilliance lead to victory, Himiko stands out as a formidable force. Her ultimate skill, Demon Ambush, epitomises the essence of control skills, capable of Exiling enemies and turning the tide of battle. When paired with a lightning march, Himiko's skill ability disrupts enemy formations and allows your team to strike with precision and power. This article will delve into the mechanics of Himiko's control skill, explore how her ultimate works synergistically within a lightning march, and examine its application in various battle scenarios. Understanding how to deploy Himiko's abilities will provide players with a strategic edge, enhancing their ability to dominate the battlefield in both PvP and PvE engagements.

Himiko's Control Skill Mechanics

Himiko's prowess in 'Infinity Kingdom' is defined by her ability to control the battlefield through her unique skills. Her control skill, primarily manifested through her ultimate ability, 'Demon Ambush', deals damage to all enemies and has a chance to silence them.

  • · Demon Ambush: This ultimate skill deals significant AoE (Area of Effect) damage and has a chance to silence enemies, preventing them from casting their skills for a specified duration.
  • · Exile Effect: This debuff incapacitates enemy immortals from using their abilities, making them vulnerable to attacks and reducing their overall threat.
  •  Effect: The control skill Exile temporarily removes a target from the battlefield, rendering it unable to act or be acted upon.
  •  Application: Exile effectively takes a dangerous enemy out of the equation for a period, providing a window of opportunity for your team to focus on other targets without interference from the exiled unit.

How It Works

  • · Damage Output: Himiko's ultimate deals a hefty amount of damage to all enemies, making her a valuable asset in both offence and defence.
  • · Control Aspect: The Exile effect impedes the enemy's ability to respond with their own ultimate skills or powerful abilities, giving your team a significant advantage. Temporally removing high, impact back row immortals, from the battlefield will potentially help turn the tide.

Synergy with Other Immortals

Improving Lightning March Combinations with Himiko

To maximize Himiko's potential, synergise her with other immortals in your march, such as Richard I, El Cid, and Khan. Each of these immortals brings complementary skills that enhance Himiko's effectiveness.

  • · Richard I: As a tank, Richard I's ultimate skill, 'Heavens Wrath', stuns enemies, providing additional crowd control. This skill works well with Himiko's Exile, creating a layered CC (Crowd Control) strategy that keeps enemies immobilised and unable to retaliate.
  • · El Cid: El Cid's ultimate, 'Conquest', deals physical damage and has a chance to reduce enemy healing effects. Combined with Himiko's exile, it ensures that enemies are not only unable to use their skills but also struggle to recover.
  • · Khan: Khan's ultimate, 'Arrow Storm’, deals massive physical damage and boosts his attack speed. When enemies are silenced and stunned, Khan can unleash his full damage potential without facing significant resistance.

Best Scenarios for Himiko's Ultimate Skill

Get ready to dominate the battlefield with Himiko! Though not a Chaos, this Immortal packs a punch,and can provide the last-minute relief you've been wishing for.

Utilizing Himiko's ultimate skill effectively requires understanding the best scenarios in which to deploy her silence ability.

  • Large-Scale PvP Battles: In scenarios like Legion of Frostborne or Alliance Wars, Himiko's Demon Ambush can disrupt large groups of enemies, preventing them from coordinating their attacks or defences.
  • Gnome Invasions: Against Gnome armies, silencing their powerful units can significantly reduce the damage your alliance takes, making it easier to clear waves.

  • Critical Moments in Combat: Timing Demon Ambush to silence enemy immortals just as they are about to use their ultimate skills can be the difference between victory and defeat. Pay close attention to the flow of battle and unleash Himiko's skill at pivotal moments.

How to Use in a March

  • Frontline Disruption: Place Himiko in a position where she can maximise her AoE damage and silence as many enemies as possible. This means positioning her in the rear lines, to be protected by tanks like Richard I, Tokugawa or Darius.
  • Timing and Coordination: Coordinate with your alliance members when to use Demon Ambush for maximum disruption. This is particularly effective in Alliance Wars where communication and strategy are key.

Enhancing Himiko with Her Exclusive Artefact

Get ready to enhance Himiko's power, with her incredible exclusive artefact! Picture this: with the right artefact, Himiko becomes more triumphant on the battlefield. Her ultimate skill is about to reach new heights, making her an even more formidable opponent.

How It Works

  • · Boosted Effects: Himiko's exclusive artefact increases the effectiveness of Demon Ambush. This could mean a higher chance of Exiling enemies, enabling you to be victorious.
  • · Stat Enhancements: Artefacts often provide additional stats such as increased attack power, health, or defence, further boosting Himiko's overall performance.

Example of a non developable EA - The Unique Attribute shows increase in DMG by 30%

Strategic Advantages

  • · Maximised Control: With the artefact equipped, Himiko's ability to remove enemies becomes even more reliable, ensuring that critical enemy immortals are incapacitated during crucial moments of battle, eg back row support.
  • · Enhanced Survivability: The added stats from the artefact can make Himiko more resilient, allowing her to survive longer and continue applying her control effects throughout the fight.

Conclusion: Mastering Himiko's Control Skills

Harnessing Himiko's ultimate skill, Demon Ambush, and the silence effect can provide your team with unparalleled control over the battlefield in Infinity Kingdom. By understanding her mechanics, synergising her abilities with those of Richard I, El Cid, and Khan, and deploying her in the right scenarios, you can ensure your march remains dominant.For new players, mastering Himiko involves understanding her skills and coordinating with your team to maximise her impact effectively, for example Rallies during KE, or in Legion of Frostborne. By adding her exclusive artefact, her control capabilities are amplified, making her a substantial threat to your enemies. So, dive into the battlefield with confidence, knowing that Himiko's control skills will lead your alliance to victory.

I'm not claiming that Lightning is the new Meta, merely showing an example march that Himiko will work in. Instead, I want to emphasise the versatility of Himiko. She can support a march that may be struggling, allowing you to focus on building a march that aligns with your play style.




