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Bullies on S480 Purson PuddyTat, Tweetie, MrNoThumb, Snuffles

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Article Publish : 06/30/2024 14:52

you can see in ss provided PT trying to provoke get a reaction from me in All World Chat, gossiping, bullying, attempting to Intimidate me, antagonise even threatening to keep building you going to need it" In other words saying trying to get me waste res, time, money, the energy I ignore them as usaly PT, aka B.H, MrNoThumb uses MrNoThumb toon to abuse bully and capture in the garden everyday bully, com he also uses PT, to bully, stalk, harass this isn't only server happens it also on s76 aswell but am reporting s480 you can see some of the verbal abuse in WC that just a little I sent this ss because I know forum mods need evidence, ss here it is again I have these individuals blocked B.H is also B.H on S76, MrShenanigan, B.H from S1 Lunaria, PuddyTat from S480 Purson EST I would like to also point out I have said nothing in all WC, not 1 word just PT talking, Tweetie, their alts only no 1 else most certainly not me said 0, nothing

to the forum mods in advance, apologies to you for when you read this post B.H. made an emotionally vulgar, snide comment, 2 cents that you see however would appreciate you could report this do something to end it or come up with a resolution to the forum mods.

this has been ongoing, daily, since he came there which is over 4 months with them being vulgar as usual this is daily, Every PT is B.H (BlackHeart) from varying servers even posted it in a recent forum post, of course, they deny it etc, for the record, I have these two blocked, and other 2 names up above so when logging on WC is blank and don't see the vulgarities spews out there hateful mouth,

Ps: as you can read in chat it blurs off but the top chat end sentence says belong and 3rd sentence says G Nome so you have a full conversation now you can see in public chat it is intentional and with malicious intent but even so I ignore them no matter what they do or pull don't respond no matter what and they still try to dehumanize me, belittle me constantly

IGN: Xena

Server: Purson 480

platform: Client
