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Gift Codes (616 2024)

News & Annoucements
Article Publish : 06/15/2024 17:44
Edited by silvermistr at 06/16/2024 16:38

Dear Players,

I see someone already tried various codes and found 616LOA1. You might wonder why I don't share this and the answer is, I don't know. Just yesterday, I was informed that the devs will release gift codes for 616 (June 16) but they haven't shared the codes itself. The codes are supposed to be made available starting tomorrow but other platforms that cannot receive gift_code mail is already made available in Hot Events, so please don't forget to collect it.

Gamerocks (Formerly Kabam) Platform:

GTA and Facebook Platform:



(This is the code I requested. If you think the items are rubbish, please don't claim it.)
