GTarcade App

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All pages are blank

Bugs and Support
Article Publish : 05/24/2024 00:09

This has never happened before.

When I use my GTarcade shortcut to play the game, the home page does not load, but the button at the top to play the game works, and I can play the game with no problems.

The home page says 'cannot connect to the internet'....refresh the page etc.

But the game is running and shown as running on the home page, so I am on the internet.

This started last Sunday or Monday, and everything was fine before.

Apart from being able to play the game, anything else comes up as a blank screen now.

Recharge is blank, collect weekly things on Monday were blank, anything in support is blank so I cannot even raise a question now to let GTarcade know.

I don't know what happened here and I don't know what to do.

I tried all the usual things but nothing has changed.

My sister plays the game as well and we use the same internet connection, and all her functions are normal.

Maybe I pressed something by accident to make this happen, but nothing in my 'event viewer' shows anything unusual.

Since I cannot contact support, this is the only way for me to see if anyone can help me.

I hope that somebody can.
