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Choso meets FDH in his last Alliance Conquest round

Wars & Stories in Westeros Wars & Stories in Westeros
Article Publish : 05/04/2024 04:10

As the dark clouds covered the sun, the air felt charged with excitement. The highly anticipated sixth round of Alliance Conquest was upon us. FuK was finding themselves in a tough situation, with 3 wins and 2 losses, their goal of reaching Ultimate Conquest was on the line this round. If they were to win it, they could reach top 16 and qualify. They're coming off a loss against WxC in the previous round, this would put them in a harsh position ahead the incoming competition. The fighters of FuK had high hopes for this match as they knew their strategist was one of the best around, Mariner37, he had many years of experience behind him, putting many rivals at bay. One of the fighters that believed in Mariner37 was Choso, he was not someone whose strength was exceeding the average fighter, but his speed did. He was one of the fastest racers that FuK had within their ranks.

In Alliance Conquest, two factions, Lannister and Targaryen, fight for control of Casterly Rock and other key buildings such as Ports, Outposts and Mines. This season has brought changes to the event as we knew it. Holding certain combinations of buildings would bring about better buffs for the whole alliance. Choso's opponents find themselves on the Targaryen side, a position earned through their ranking. The alliance ranked above earns the Lannister side, whilst the side with less points assumes the Targaryen side.

Choso is looking forward to getting his change at participating in the Ultimate Conquest. He is anxiously waiting for the opponent to be revealed, he knew that in their timezone only two forces were ones to be reckoned with, and with having been defeated by WxC, the only remaining alliance that they could have a strong fight with was FDH. The alliance had a good chance of defeating FDH, but so did the opposition. A few conditions have to be met for the forces of FuK to take the win from FDH's grasp. FuK needed strength in numbers and fast racers, Choso was meeting one of those conditions. If he manages to win his races, that would bring about great advantage in the fight. His job was crucial to guaranteeing FuK's hope towards Ultimate Conquest; if he could take control of the buildings first, they would gain bonus points and the ability to let whomever they wanted inside. He was under pressure to perform his job to the best of his skills regardless of the situation, and his high level of anticipation and enthusiasm for what was ahead transcended this pressure.

Once he arrived to the wooden and old Alliance Hall where announcements were always made, Mariner37 quickly reveals their opponent, with an excited look on his face. It was shown that FDH was indeed going to be their opponent. This caused a bit of confusion within the crowed, as to why Mariner37 looked so happy with the draw. He quickly clarified the reason why: He fully believed that FuK was going to handle the enemy with ease. He trusted the strength and speed of every member above all else. They have not faced FDH in the past, at least not as far as Choso could remember. He was curious of his opponent's strength, but it was not going to scare him away from the challenges ahead of him when it comes to racing, as strength did not matter there. In Mariner37's eyes, this was the perfect opportunity for FuK to demonstrate their worth in the tournament. A win over FDH would bolster their morale and launch them in a higher league than before.

With the opponent and plans revealed, preparations were now complete, the fighters embarked on the battle, being sure of a great battle heading their way, one that they would give their all in trying to win. It was a do or die situation, something that excited every participant, but also scared them of failure.Their chances at Ultimate Conquest were going to depend on the outcome of this match more than ever before, they had to be ready. The atmosphere now was a tense one, but they were ready to face any challenges laying ahead of them.

When they reached the battlefield, the numbers of their opponents was dwindling in comparison to what FuK has brought into the battle. FDH had 71 bannermen, against FuK's 77. A big numerical advantage was a difference maker in many matches, so it will be easier now for FuK to reach the victory, but this did not take away from the fact that they had to first get in the position to do it by winning races. Choso was ready for that challenge.

As the battle began, Choso was going to race for the mother. That was the building Mariner37 desired the most, as he wanted to increase the costs of healing for FDH, this would apply even more pressure as FDH has less members to fight with. This was no issue for Choso, who wished to follow his strategist's desires to the best of his abilities. When the bubble dropped, he rushed towards the building, giving it his all as all of his comrades were being left behind, without a chance to do anything. But despite his fascinating speed, he had come short of winning the building. FDH had secured it. This was saddening Choso but he had to keep his cool and focus, he knew that better than anyone else. Those were his only thoughts as both FDH and FuK proceed with flawless swaps and reinforcements. The Mother was the only building that FuK lacked currently.

As the ports approached, FDH was ready to recapture everything they could. Their first target was the warrior, many solo attacks flew towards it like never before, leaving FuK unable to react in time. This was a sad view for Mariner37, who now was seeing enemy rallies flow towards the far outpost. He thus called for reinforcements, but the fighters of FuK were unable to react in time, losing yet another building right before the ports unlocked.

Seeing his teammates struggle, Choso could do nothing but endure the evergrowing pressure for his races. He was going for one of the ports, and he had to win it no matter what it took. As the bubble dropped, so did everyone's expectations to catch either port, as Choso alongside another FuK member, captured both ports in a flash. The first port did not need a swap, as the racer was fast enough to hold, at least that is what Mariner37 expected before the fight, but the last few minutes made him doubt his preparation.

However, the far port needed to be swapped, and Choso being an expert at such maneuvers, swapped it without a single worry.

The ports seemed to be secure, with each rally from FDH, FuK managed to defend them flawlessly, making sure that they were not going to make any more mistakes. Mariner37 seeing everyone's efforts was pleasantly surprised about the desire to win displayed by the fighters present. Their relentlessness was not letting down until the moment Casterly Rock unlocked.

Choso was also assigned to race for the most important building of all, making sure they would capture it. When the bubble dropped, he made sure to do just that without any hesitation nor giving any chance to the opposition. As everyone was waiting for the swap, Mariner37 noticed that there was no slow march on its way.

This made the swap an impossible task, but he was willing to give it a shot with FuK's experience, this could still work. But as Choso disbanded, no one was fast enough to take Casterly Rock, FDH has managed to intercept the building, they were now making more points per minute and were straight back into the match.

After this mistake, Mariner37 realised there was no room for playing around, they had to try and win everything back as fast as possible, without any mistakes on their side, as they would be costly. But as soon as that thought of Mariner's finished, the near port was lost.

The situation looked dire, but rallies from both sides had to flow continuously in order for the victor to be decided. The battle was intense and fierce, many brave fighters losing their lives as both sides clashed more intensely wishing to put an end to the massacre. As FDH was capturing a building, FuK was capturing the other.

At the end of the commotion, the side with more members had come out on top. Proving once again that the force of numbers was the most crucial aspect of Alliance Conquest. FuK has now reached their 4th win of the season, but sadly for them, they finished at 2 points distance off of Ultimate Conquest.

That was a sight which Mariner37 nor Choso nor any FuK fighter enjoyed to see, but they were happy with their performance. A performance which if repeated could land them into the spot in the rankings that they so dearly desire. Choso had a great run of form which he enjoyed, it helped his alliance dearly, just as Mariner37's decisions. This victory was crucial and FuK proved their strong will to the cause. Now they will have to hold onto it for the next season.
