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[Artifacts Review] Unveiling Khubilai Khan – Code of Yuan.

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Article Publish : 04/05/2024 23:17

Hey there, folks! It's Mael from the Press Officer team, back again with another exciting article to share. Today, we're diving into Khubilai Khan and his unique artifact, "Code of Yuan".

The "Code of Yuan" stands as a significant historical document that encapsulates the legal and administrative reforms implemented during the reign of Khubilai Khan, the grandson of Genghis Khan and the founder of the Yuan Dynasty in China. Khubilai Khan's rule marked a period of cultural and societal transformation, as he sought to consolidate his power and establish a stable governance system across his vast empire. The "Code of Yuan" reflected his efforts to centralize authority, standardize laws, and promote social harmony. It encompassed various aspects of governance, including taxation, land distribution, criminal justice, and the administration of local government. By codifying these laws and regulations, Khubilai Khan aimed to assert his authority and create a sense of unity among the diverse ethnic groups within the Yuan Empire. While the "Code of Yuan" was not without its controversies and criticisms, it played a pivotal role in shaping the legal and political landscape of medieval China and exerted a lasting influence on subsequent dynasties.

Crafted exclusively for the revered holy immortal Khubilai Khan, this unique artifact has stirred up discussions and curiosity across the kingdom. In this article, we explore the details of the Code of Yuan, breaking down its special feature and how it could affect battles.

(thank you Nemo S205 for providing a screenshot of your artifact)

At the heart of the Code of Yuan is a skill mechanic that promises to enhance Khubilai Khan's combat abilities. This unique feature, exclusive to Khubilai Khan and his artifact, activates whenever his ultimate ability, Total Conquest, deals damage. With an impressive 75% chance, the Code of Yuan allows the target to withstand additional damage.

This mechanic adds a new strategic dimension, enabling Khubilai Khan to deal multiple instances of damage to a single target. The brilliance of the Code of Yuan lies in its augmentation of Khubilai Khan's Total Conquest ability. Already formidable, this ultimate skill now has the potential to deliver an even more devastating blow. The additional damage mechanism, triggered by the skill's activation, amplifies the precision and impact of Khubilai Khan's attacks, giving him a newfound edge in battles. Considering that the Total Conquest ability naturally deals damage a total of 5 times, the increased damage is almost guaranteed to occur.

Thanks to Myrahk's diligent testing and quantified experiences with Khubilai's Exclusive Artifact.

In wrapping up, the "Code of Yuan" emerges as a pivotal element in both history and the game's landscape. Its implementation in the digital realm not only offers players a glimpse into Khubilai Khan's legacy but also provides a tangible advantage on the battlefield. As we navigate the intricacies of this artifact, we owe a debt of gratitude to Myrahk for their meticulous testing and data-driven insights, which have enriched our understanding and strategic approach. With each engagement, the "Code of Yuan" serves as a reminder of the dynamic intersection between history and gameplay, underscoring the importance of research, collaboration, and innovation in our virtual conquests.

For more insights, check out my previous articles here or discover exciting content on my newly created YouTube Channel.

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