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Calculating dice needed and their cost in the 3rd anniversary event

Article Publish : 02/19/2024 04:28
Edited by the jong at 02/19/2024 17:34

The 3-year anniversary event is upon us! In this article, we are going to delve into the "Long Live Friendship" event and calculate what it would take to fully complete it and obtain 150 Fu Fei shards.

To complete the journey to 3500 points, we need to calculate the total number of points needed. Each round yields 70 points every time it is completed.


- Each round earns 20 points.

- Completing a round additionally provides 50 points (equivalent to 5 sets of 10-points from passing by each purple tile).

Since 50 rounds are needed, the total dice required would be:

30 tiles / avg dice throw (3,5) x 50 rounds = 429

So, 429 dice are needed for us to complete the Long Live Friendship journey.

Now, let's examine the different ways to acquire these points and their associated costs:

Free Options

- Sweetness Guardian: Provides 50 dice.

- 3rd Anniversary: 25 and There is a chance we might get additional dice during the daily tasks in the coming days.

Fireworks Party:

 - 8 dice from the free column.

 - 35 dice from the gem unlocked column.

Paid Options

Fireworks Party

- Extra column for $20: Yields 100 dice.

**Bundle Options**

 - $5 Bundle: 4 dice.

 - $10 Bundle: 6 dice.

 - $20 Bundle: 8 dice.

 - $50 Bundle: 12 dice.

What to buy

If purchasing the $20 extra column, we would need to acquire the remaining 211 dice from bundles.

Calculating the cost breakdown:

- $5 and $10 bundles for 15 days each: Total 150 dice.

- $20 bundles for 8 days: Total 64 dice.

Therefore, the total expenditure required to amass the necessary 431 dice amounts to $330.

But booooy do you get a lot of rewards. 150 Fu Fei fragments, 80 chaos immortal fragments & 100 Star dust.

Not to mention the rewards in the bundles. A total 7800 + 16.500 + 18.400 = 42.700 gems alone from the bundles. In those you will additionally get tones of Philosopher’s Stones as well as Gold. And a lot of it!

From the 20$ Fireworks party you get 150 stardust, 1400 gems and a cool castle skin and nameplate.

Knowing this, I hope you have already started buying the bundles!

happy IK anniversary everyone!
