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What's happening????

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Article Publish : 05/23/2023 11:41

What is happening with LoA? what are the devs tinkering with? As always for years, I keep my unique equipment ticket to exchange resources, as well as the supremacy certificates until I collect the necessary ones for use in the tycoon store... But it turns out that this morning when I entered the game, I noticed I was missing the 2 certicates unique equipment, and then more at night when I went back into the game, I see that I am missing the only supremacy certificate I had. How is this happening???? I repeat again I have not used them, and it is something of I am too sure.

To verify that I am not lying, I have another account on another platform where I do exactly the same procedure for the use of the certificates and as I show on the screen you will see that before the reset, I still have them.

I also show you a screenshot of the previous tycoon from April to show you that I had won them (the funny thing was that I took the screenshot, only because I had both close to each other in terms of position).... I really hope the devs fix this big one. problem with my account I wait for answers!!


IGN: Unepica

Server: ub83 ( old server Thompson 1093)
